Temi europei. Il Podcast |2023

De : Temi europei. Il Podcast |2023
  • Résumé

  • Scopo di questo spazio è contribuire all’armamentario culturale che andrà a comporre la tua visione delle cose.
    Senza adottare opinioni a priori, ma netto nella posizione.

    Provando a sganciarsi dal linguaggio del provincialismo-da avvenimenti che vivono una settimana-digressioni sul proprio ombelico-notizie urlate e titoli sensazionalistici. In cui i commenti prevalgono alla laica spiegazione dei fatti.

    Questo Podcast è totalmente asincrono rispetto agli avvenimenti di giornata (anche se talvolta la realtà s'incarica di renderlo attuale).

    Provando ad assumere un punto di vista diverso:

    quello della comune dimensione europea.
    Lo spazio del nostro nuovo orizzonte.

    Sito web: www.temieuropeipodcast.info
    Su Twitter: https://twitter.com/EidenFer
    Su Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3AS3ps6
    EU flag Photo by moritz320
    Copyright Temi europei. Il Podcast |2023
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    • Cars and Transition: power supply and energy mix
      Apr 1 2023
      Here we are going to see the latest EU's decisions about renewables and transports! Let's have a glance to e-fuels, their industrial perspectives, electric cars, power supplies costs and potential critical issues. This saves the oil and diesel car industry, opening at the same time a new, and previously unknown player: synthetic fuels (also known as e-fuels). The latest news by Bruxelles tells us that the cars and vans endothermic engines sale ban to 2035 has been amended including e-fuels among the climate-neutral fuels.Website: http://www.temieuropeipodcast.info On Twitter: https://twitter.com/EidenFer On Spotify: https://www.spreaker.com/show/temi-europei-il-podcast-2023Sources: Fit for 55 emissions updates 28th March 2023: https://bit.ly/3G4xlEQ | Accordo UE Rinnovabili 42,5%: https://bit.ly/40D65FJ | Nach Verbrenner-Kompromiss: Lindner plant Kfz-Steuerreform: https://bit.ly/3Zwg7aj | Germany and EU agree exception in planned Ban on Combustion Engines: https://nyti.ms/3nGyFr1 | Wissing macht vor EU-Abstimmung Druck: https://bit.ly/3n0F40b | Fit for the future, not Fit-for-55: https://bit.ly/42ni5fH | Auto elettrica, Usa e Ue trattano sui sussidi: verso accordo sulle batterie:https://bit.ly/3LxIAcj | USA-UE, summit Biden-Von der Leyen a Washington: https://bit.ly/3FxA9di | Mercedes und Volkswagen: Können Verbrenner-Aus bis 2035 umsetzen: https://bit.ly/3ySHvUU | Electric cars still cheaper: https://bit.ly/3ZWmmFz | Rainews - Lo stop motori termici: https://bit.ly/3mQpzrl | 45% renewables target ‘is ambitious but feasible’, says EU climate chief: https://bit.ly/3JMxD5E | Fit for 55%: https://bit.ly/3LG8Pxg | Klima-Ökonomin Kemfert nennt E-Fuels eine Scheinlösung: https://bit.ly/3TpADIa | Europe’s cheapest countries to charge an electric car: https://bit.ly/40ivG6s | Coreper:https://bit.ly/3LAi1DG | China solar power capacity could post record growth in 2023: https://reut.rs/3LuzBJ6 | The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: https://bit.ly/40ah35a | Global Low-Carbon Energy Technology Investment Surges Past $1 Trillion for the First Time: https://bit.ly/3n46HW7 | Global clean energy investing tops US$1 trillion for first time ever: https://bit.ly/3JZtw6t | Così Pechino punta alla leadership sul clima: https://bit.ly/3lrUYQH | Auto inquinanti, stop alla vendita dal 2035: ok definitivo del Parlamento europeo: https://bit.ly/3yMrVtY | Auto: Stati Ue rinviano adozione norme su stop benzina e diesel dal 2035. Meloni soddisfatta: https://bit.ly/3YWrU1l | E-Fuels statt E-Autos: Alternative, Ergänzung oder Irrweg?: https://bit.ly/40kBYlI | Gli eFuel esistono davvero? E possono salvare l'auto a benzina? https://bit.ly/3JPP0m0 | Meinung: Enddatum 2035 für Verbrennungsmotor ist zu spät: https://bit.ly/42eZbaS | 5 things to know about EU’s Fit for 55 climate package: https://politi.co/3LtnwE2
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      10 min
    • Auto e Transizione: alimentazione e mix energetico
      Mar 18 2023
      La decisione di Febbraio dell’Europarlamento sullo stop alla vendita di auto e furgoni a diesel e benzina è al momento congelata. Il provvedimento legislativo è in fase di rinegoziazione poiché non tutte le coalizioni di governo comunitarie hanno posizioni univoche sull’addio alla vendita di veicoli a motore endotermico per il 2035. In questo senso va letta la proposta fatta dal ministro dei trasporti tedesco al commissario europeo per il clima al quale viene chiesto di esaminare la possibilità che questo tipo di veicoli possa essere mantenuto oltre tale scadenza, come? Grazie all’impiego degli e-fuel. Conosceremo meglio alcune caratteristiche delle auto elettriche comparandole con altri tipi di alimentazione e gettando un occhio al mix energetico necessario all’industria europea per affrontare le nuove sfide di politica energetica.Sito web: www.temieuropeipodcast.infoSu Twitter: https://twitter.com/EidenFerSu Spotify: https://www.spreaker.com/show/temi-europei-il-podcast-2023Fonti: Wissing macht vor EU-Abstimmung Druck: https://bit.ly/3n0F40b | Fit for the future, not Fit-for-55: https://bit.ly/42ni5fH | Auto elettrica, Usa e Ue trattano sui sussidi: verso accordo sulle batterie: https://bit.ly/3LxIAcj | USA-UE, summit Biden-Von der Leyen a Washington: https://bit.ly/3FxA9di | Mercedes und Volkswagen: Können Verbrenner-Aus bis 2035 umsetzen: https://bit.ly/3ySHvUU | Electric cars still cheaper: https://bit.ly/3ZWmmFz | Rainews - Lo stop motori termici: https://bit.ly/3mQpzrl | 45% renewables target ‘is ambitious but feasible’, says EU climate chief: https://bit.ly/3JMxD5E | Fit for 55%: https://bit.ly/3LG8Pxg | Klima-Ökonomin Kemfert nennt E-Fuels eine Scheinlösung: https://bit.ly/3TpADIa | Europe’s cheapest countries to charge an electric car: https://bit.ly/40ivG6s | Coreper: https://bit.ly/3LAi1DG | China solar power capacity could post record growth in 2023: https://reut.rs/3LuzBJ6 | The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: https://bit.ly/40ah35a | Global Low-Carbon Energy Technology Investment Surges Past $1 Trillion for the First Time: https://bit.ly/3n46HW7 | Global clean energy investing tops US$1 trillion for first time ever: https://bit.ly/3JZtw6t | Così Pechino punta alla leadership sul clima: https://bit.ly/3lrUYQH | Auto inquinanti, stop alla vendita dal 2035: ok definitivo del Parlamento europeo: https://bit.ly/3yMrVtY | Auto: Stati Ue rinviano adozione norme su stop benzina e diesel dal 2035. Meloni soddisfatta: https://bit.ly/3YWrU1l | E-Fuels statt E-Autos: Alternative, Ergänzung oder Irrweg?: https://bit.ly/40kBYlI | Gli eFuel esistono davvero? E possono salvare l'auto a benzina? https://bit.ly/3JPP0m0 | Meinung: Enddatum 2035 für Verbrennungsmotor ist zu spät: https://bit.ly/42eZbaS | 5 things to know about EU’s Fit for 55 climate package: https://politi.co/3LtnwE2
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      10 min
    • Germany: Hydrogen and Energy Self-sufficiency
      Jan 11 2023
      The February 2022 conflict shows how Europe has been caught unprepared in terms of coal, gas and oil imports. Let’s have a closer look to some of solutions and technologies Hydrogen related and let's discover the role it can play on the Energy Transition road.

      Website: www.temieuropeipodcast.info
      On Twitter: https://twitter.com/EidenFer
      On Spotify: https://www.spreaker.com/show/temi-europei-il-podcast-2023

      Sources: Germany and Canada sign hydrogen deal: https://bit.ly/3k2z5pS | Hydrogen alliance' formed as Canada, Germany sign agreement on exports: https://bit.ly/3QnZQkK | JOGMEC Memorandum: https://bit.ly/3GP1719 | Canada-Germany hydrogen deal could be 'game changer,' though skepticism remains: https://bit.ly/3CsREtV | Agreement with German automakers 'unprecedented' for Canada, says auto industry insider: https://bit.ly/3GPYSeb | Canada "The Hydrogen Strategy": https://bit.ly/3XiuEWz | How Germany Is Preparing for a Looming Energy Crisis: https://bit.ly/3ZhXmZk | Nord Stream 1: Gazprom announces indefinite shutdown of pipeline: https://bit.ly/3ZhXmZk and https://reut.rs/3QqdXpQ | Scholz promises 65 bln euros to shield Germans through tough winter: https://reut.rs/3Iuz0p9 | Deutschland setzt auf kanadischen Wasserstoff: https://bit.ly/3WN4uLD | Joint declaration of intent between the Government of Canada: https://bit.ly/3ZcT1qe | Hoffnung auf Kanada als Energiepartner: https://bit.ly/3ZerzIR | Wasserstoff-Kooperation mit den Emiraten: https://bit.ly/3k2fiXS | Entscheidendes Element: https://bit.ly/3WYjIgU | Erste Wasserstofflieferung aus VAE erreicht Deutschland: https://bit.ly/3WUVOD3 | "Beim Heizen wird Wasserstoff langfristig keine große Rolle spielen": https://bit.ly/3GtAo9b | Katar wird Deutschland Flüssigerdgas liefern: https://bit.ly/3k2KPch | Habeck vereinbart Energiepartnerschaft mit Katar: https://bit.ly/3GRiAGp | The hydrogen hype: a bubble or a game changer in decarbonization?: https://bit.ly/3VRfWo9 | The National Hydrogen Strategy (Ger): https://bit.ly/3CsS9nN | Hydrogen: an energy carrier for the future: https://bit.ly/3XgH8h8 | National Hydrogen Strategy BMBF: https://bit.ly/3Iz85J4 | Regulatory sandboxes for the energy transition: https://bit.ly/3W006Yh | China’s nascent green hydrogen sector: https://bit.ly/3vThcMR | Power-to-X: https://bit.ly/3CA6sXM | Aiutare le tecnologie power-to-X a fare un salto di qualità: https://bit.ly/3k1WYOv | Sector coupling (EuroParl.europa.eu): https://bit.ly/3GPu3pO | What Is Sector Coupling?: https://bit.ly/3IybGH7 | You Tube video: Germany Goes Whole Hog on Hydrogen | La transizione energetica può generare una coincidenza divina?: https://bit.ly/3IyEDms | Italia-Russia, una storia a tutto gas: https://bit.ly/3CtXbAk | The Former Chancellor Who Became Putin’s Man in Germany: https://nyti.ms/3VPRPpP | Germany Taps ‘Boundless’ Fuel Potential in Canada Hydrogen Deal: https://bloom.bg/3IuZl6H | Il paradosso del Gas russo (lavoce.info): https://bit.ly/3Gqj2tB | Italia-Russia: neutralità in metri cubi: https://bit.ly/3GnHlbH | HYDROGEN – WHAT IS THE HYPE ABOUT?: https://bit.ly/3GtlDD2 | Power-to-Liquids, explained: https://bit.ly/3ihcoOx | Power to Fuel: https://bit.ly/3IxR7uk | Germany takes new steps to tackle the energy crisis: https://bit.ly/3ZxPBPh | Germany remains committed to its existing climate and power sector decarbonisation targets: https://bit.ly/3GQgLJu | Project Nujio’qonik: https://bit.ly/3GYxXwR | Tensions high on Port au Port Peninsula over wind-hydrogen megaproject: https://bit.ly/3ZxPKSP | World Energy takes on new partners, new assets and new capital to accelerate growth: https://bit.ly/3WUsCvV | EXPLORE THE HYDROGEN VALUE CHAIN: https://bit.ly/3ionf9i | sostenibilitàLa Germania investe 9 miliardi per diventare leader mondiale dell’idrogeno: https://bit.ly/3Cxm4eo | Energia, la Cina ha scelto l’idrogeno: https://bit.ly/3WWTxqO | RePowerEU Pdf: https://bit.ly/3GoJN1K | „Phase eines großen industriellen Aufbruchs“: https://bit.ly/3GOK5QH | Wasserstoff: Schlüsselelement für die Energiewende: https://bit.ly/3VVG6Gt | Mit Wasserstoff zur Energiewende?: https://bit.ly/3ItnTgl | Im südlichen Afrika will Habeck Deutschlands Energiewende vorantreiben: https://bit.ly/3XhqnCw | Fünf Risiken bedrohen unsere Wirtschaft in 2023: https://bit.ly/3QqUcyl
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      13 min

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