Structured Visions

De : Jodie Clark
  • Résumé

  • Linguist Jodie Clark explores creative ways of imagining social transformation.
    (c) Jodie Clark
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    • 103 Inhabiting language
      Sep 26 2024

      In this episode I’ll try to convince you that using language to express the self is like a dog chasing its own tail… or a snake eating its tail, if you prefer ouroboros imagery. My perspective is that human language is the one-dimensional structure that shapes the self and thus limits access to the vast multidimensionality of consciousness. Language can’t refer to anything beyond itself (or beyond the self).

      The good news is, that when human language draws a circle that says ‘this is you,’ it creates a space that you can look inside. What you might find is not the you created by language, but instead the part of all the worlds that is uniquely designated by that self-circle. Transformation comes from truly inhabiting the space that language creates.

      On the journey of this episode we’ll be rambling through the realms of phrasal verbs, conceptual metaphor theory and the challenges of learning English as a second language. The blog post I mention in the episode is ‘What’s up?’ by Elaine Hodgson.

      The story I read is ‘The Museum of Language.’

      Lots of things going on…

      Refreshing Grammar is open now (, and will be free until 12 November 2024. You can get the unlimited access version for a very special, limited-time price here:

      Also check out the amazing offer on my other amazing course, The Grammar of Show Don’t Tell:

      Come join me on 11 October at Off the Shelf Festival of words for a free, interactive online writing workshop, The Impossibility of Words: A Linguist’s Cure for Writer’s Block.

      Sign up for the Grammar for Dreamers newsletter here:

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      53 min
    • Episode 102 How to belong
      Aug 29 2024

      Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? My own red thread through the labyrinth of linguistics has been the theme of not belonging. We explore the grammatical shape belonging takes in everyday conversations about fitting in. We discuss how selves can grammatically ‘detach’ from bodies, and the transformative possibility of embodied selves. Join me in a hopeful dream where humans belong on planet Earth. We’ll explore how human language, which seems to divide us from wider consciousness, might be re-envisioned as an invitation to co-creation with the Earth itself.

      The story I read is ‘The last stage of the Earth’s evolution.’ I also mentioned my story ‘Summers with Mad Gran.’

      Connect with me on Refreshing Grammar begins on 16 September 2024. Sign up here:

      Sign up for the Grammar for Dreamers newsletter here:

      Subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like to listen. Rate, review, tell your friends!

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      1 h et 10 min
    • Episode 101 You, me and big egos
      Jul 27 2024

      What’s the difference between me and you? And what’s so bad about big egos, anyway? In this episode we explore the relationship between ego and language. We move from Freud’s psychoanalytic theory to D.T. Suzuki’s explanation of the Zen Buddhist perspective. We explore Suzuki’s analysis of two poems about encounters with flowers, one by Basho and one by Tennyson.

      The story I read in this episode is ‘Ego angels.’

      The essay by D.T. Suzuki I discuss is:

      Suzuki, D. T. (1960). Lectures on Zen Buddhism. In E. Fromm, D. T. Suzuki and R. DeMartino (Eds.) Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis (pp. 1-76). Grove Press.

      It’s available on Internet Archive.

      Connect with me and discover my courses on

      Sign up for the Grammar for Dreamers newsletter here:

      Subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like to listen. Rate, review, tell your friends!

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      59 min

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