Couverture de Sprint-Zero


De : Jon Russell & Mike Gowland
  • Résumé

  • Sprint-Zero is a podcast by Jon Russell and Mike Gowland, Consultants at a Microsoft Partner, that explores the world of Low Code Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Consultancy. Join us for regular guest appearances from the Power Platform and AI communities, "Uncomfortable Corner", a discussion on everything new in the products we specialise in and for a good laugh or two.Episodes are typically every two weeks.Music graciously provided by KenLikeFit

    © 2024 Sprint-Zero
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    • 🚨New #VRT alert🚨- Guest: Sarah Jones
      Jul 4 2024

      We're joined bySarah Jones, a powerhouse in the tech recruitment community. The discussion covers topics such as virtual round table sessions, tech recruitment, imposter syndrome, and the Power Platform market. We engage in banter and explore the challenges and experiences of public speaking and presenting.

      Key Takeaways

      • Insights into the tech recruitment community and the Power Platform market
      • Discussion on imposter syndrome and the challenges of public speaking
      • The importance of showcasing talent and providing a platform for first-time speakers

      Special Thanks to

      Sarah Jones for joining us for this episode! You can find their socials at:


      KenLikeFit for providing music for this episode - [Find out more about him and listen to his music here](

      Resources mentioned in this episode

      Shortlist Recruitment Events:

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      24 min
    • Scotty D(anger) Goode - Guest: Scott Durow
      Jun 27 2024
      In this episode, Mike and Jon are joined by Scott Durow, a Power Platform Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft. They discuss Scott's background and journey to the Power Platform, as well as his role at Microsoft. They also explore the key game-changing moments for Power Platform and the creation of Ribbon Workbench. Scott shares his involvement with the modern command bar editor and the ongoing development of Ribbon Workbench. In this conversation, Scott Durow discusses various aspects of the Power Platform, including Ribbon Workbench, Power Automate, and Power Apps. He shares his favorite part of the Power Platform, which is Power Apps and specifically Canvas apps. Scott also talks about his idea of gamifying the outdoors using Power Apps. In the Uncomfortable Corner segment, he opens up about dealing with imposter syndrome and the importance of being kind to oneself.

      Special Thanks to

      Scott Durow for joining us for this episode! You can find their socials at:

      LinkedIn -
      YouTube Channel -

      KenLikeFit for providing music for this episode - [Find out more about him and listen to his music here](

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      41 min
    • Shadow IT - Guest: David Wyatt
      Jun 20 2024

      Mike Gowland and Jon Russell are joined by David Wyatt, a Senior Staff Engineer at TJX Europe. They discuss David's journey into the Power Platform, the challenges of shadow IT, the impact of Microsoft Build announcements, and the discomfort of managing compliance and security in a team. The conversation also delves into the concept of radical candor and the nuances of the new Power Automate designer. The episode concludes with a lighthearted discussion about David's custom t-shirt and a sign-off from the hosts.

      Key Takeaways

      • The challenges and benefits of shadow IT in the context of the Power Platform.
      • The impact of Microsoft Build announcements on the Power Platform community.
      • The importance of radical candor in managing compliance and security in a team.
      • The nuances and user experiences of the new Power Automate designer.

      Special Thanks to

      David Wyatt for joining us for this episode! You can find their socials at:

      * LinkedIn
      * Their Blog

      KenLikeFit for providing music for this episode - [Find out more about him and listen to his music here](

      Resources mentioned in this episode

      * Radical Candor by Kim Scott

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      34 min

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