Couverture de Podlediad Presbyteraidd/ Presbyterian Podcast

Podlediad Presbyteraidd/ Presbyterian Podcast

De : Gethin Russell-Jones
  • Résumé

  • Yn y rhifyn dwyieithog hwn, cawn glywed gan Rebecca Lalbiaksangi, y wraig gyntaf i gael ei hordeinio o Eglwys Bresbyteraidd India. Ac mae'n digwydd yn y Drenewydd. Clywn hefyd gan Wayne Adams a Hedd Morgan wrth iddynt sôn am ddyfodol deinamig Coleg Trefeca. In this bilingual edition, we hear from Rebecca Lalbiaksangi, the first woman to be ordained from the Presbyterian Church of India. And it's happening in Newtown. We also hear from Wayne Adams and Hedd Morgan as they talk about Coleg Trefeca's dynamic future.

    Gethin Russell-Jones 2023
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    • Y Gymanfa Gyffredinol/ The General Assembly feat Ny Ako
      Jul 5 2024

      Hello and welcome to another edition of the Presbyterian Podcast.

      Helo a chroeso i’r podlediad Presbyteraidd.

      Yn y rhifyn arbennig hwn, ry’n ni’n paratoi am y Gymanfa Gyffredinol yn Aberystwyth wythnos nesa. Cawn glywed oddiwrth y grwp Ny Ako o Fadagascar. Mae nhw'n teithio ledled Cymru ac yn perfformio yn y Gymanfa Gyffredinol. Gyda llaw, yn y cefndir, fedrwch clywed Ny Ako yn canu ei fersiwn nhw o Salm 23 yn Malagasy.

      In this special edition, we’re preparing for the General Assembly in Aberystwyth next week. We’ll hear from Ny Ako, a group of perfromers from Madagascar. They are touring Wales at the moment and will appear at the assembly next week. By the way, the music you can hear in the backgrouind is the group’s rendition of Psalm 23 in Malagasy.

      And finally, we hear from the Rev Nan Powell Davies, General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, talking about the General Assembly.

      Ac yn olaf, clywn oddiwrth Parchedig Nan Powell Davies, Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol yr Eglwys Bresbyteraidd yng Nhymru.

      Diolch am wrando, a gwradnewch am y podlediad nesa yn fuan iawn.

      Thanks for listening and listen out for the next podcast soon.

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      22 min
    • Port Talbot: a steeltown murder
      Jun 13 2024

      In this bilingual edition, we focus on the worrying situation in Port Talbot. Tata, the owner of the steelworks has announced that nearly 3000 jobs will be lost as they transition to a more environmentally friendly means of production. We’ll hear from Margaret Jones, member of a local church and also the Morgannwg Llundain presbytery. We then hear from husband and wife Andrew and Tina Saunders, who work at Sandfields Presbyterian Church, an estate in the shadows of the steel works.

      Yn y rhifyn dwyieithog hwn, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar y sefyllfa bryderus ym Mhort Talbot. Mae cwmni Tata, perchnogion y gwaith dur, wedi cyhoeddi y bydd bron i dair mil o swyddi’n cael eu colli wrth iddyn nhw drosglwyddo i ddull cynhyrchu mwy ecogyfeillgar. Cawn glywed gan Margaret Jones, aelod o eglwys leol a hefyd Henaduriaeth Morgannwg Llundain. Clywn wedyn gan ŵr a gwraig Andrew a Tina Saunders, sy’n gweithio yn Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Sandfields, ystâd yng nghysgodion y gwaith dur.

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      22 min
    • Prayer: why is it so hard? / Gweddi: pam ei bod mor anodd? Owen Griffiths & Hedd Morgan
      May 16 2024

      In this podcast, Gethin Russell-Jones talks to Revd. Owen Griffiths, Minister for the South East Wales presbytery and member of the Presbyterian Church of Wales (PCW) prayer strategy group. Gethin begins by asking Owen why prayer is so difficult. They then talk about the PCW’s national week of prayer, beginning on Monday 20th May. The podcast closes with prayer led by Hedd Morgan, PCW’s Assistant Director of Ministries.

      Yn y podlediad hwn, mae Gethin Russell-Jones yn sgwrsio â’r Parchg. Owen Griffiths, Gweinidog Henaduriaeth De Ddwyrain Cymru ac aelod o grŵp strategaeth weddi Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru (EBC). Dechreua Gethin drwy ofyn i Owen pam fod gweddi mor anodd. Yna maen nhw’n siarad am wythnos weddi genedlaethol EBC, sy’n dechrau ar ddydd Llun 20 Mai. Daw’r podlediad i ben gyda gweddi dan arweiniad Hedd Morgan, Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol Gweinidogaethau EBC.

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      20 min

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