Couverture de Messages of Infinite Light on the Superpower Network

Messages of Infinite Light on the Superpower Network

De : Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan
  • Résumé

  • Activate Your Superpowers, so WE can change the world!
    Super Power Experts 2016-2022 All Rights Reserved
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    • ILP – Spiritual Health
      Jul 24 2023
      How does Spiritual Health affect your life? This episode of the Infinite Light Podcast hosted by Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi will discuss the difference between mental illness and spiritual awakening. Why it is important to be careful who we speak to - finding a like-minded community. Becoming sane in an insane world. The gift of finding an attuned spiritual teacher or practices that enhance spiritual growth and evolution, becoming a precious pearl that can operate in a dualistic world and yet still fly off sanely into multidimensional realities. The effects of drugs on consciousness. Learning how to sustain spiritual awakening. Noticing how the ego wants to isolate and aggrandize itself - and what happens when the heart opens and we begin to engage with friends and community. The power of being of service, the importance of friends, and heart-centered listeners. Tune in today to learn more about spiritual health!
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      37 min
    • ILP – Love is the Answer
      Jul 10 2023
      Is love truly the answer to everything? In this episode of the Infinite Light Podcast, hosts, Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi, welcome guest Nina Verkoeyen to the show. They speak about Three women's mystical experiences in an in-depth exploration of the process of Self- Realization. Nina is described as a modern female Buddha who is beyond the mainstream. Her work Meta Spirituality is a new approach to spirituality introduced to the Last Truth Teachings. Nina works not as a teacher but as a mirror, Mirabai Devi works as a spiritual teacher. The next evolutionary step is to create our direct link to the Creator who is us. How spiritual awakening shifts us from a personal perspective to a non-dual unified awareness. We explore what it is to awaken and then embody love. The challenges of sustaining an awakened state. The reality and non-reality of karma. Together we can help create a more evolved and enlightened world. Tune in today to learn about how love is the answer to everything!
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      39 min
    • ILP – Wacky Wondrous Things
      Jun 26 2023
      Do you love wacky wondrous things? Then this is the episode for you! In this episode of the Infinite Light podcast, hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Mirabai Devi welcome this topic to the show. They talk about the beginning of the New Age movement, working the angelic, devas, nature spirits, and higher consciousness, the nectar and ambrosia of the divine mother, dynamic meditation, how to start listening to higher guidance, and so much more! Tune in today to learn all about these wacky wondrous things!
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      1 h et 1 min

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