Couverture de Meet me in the Middle

Meet me in the Middle

De : An American Citizen
  • Résumé

  • The middle ground is where we can find unity! There is more that binds us than divides us!
    An American Citizen
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    • Episode 12 - Campaigns, Committees and Conventions
      May 20 2023
      This episode will describe how the Campaigns are run and backed by Political Action Committees known as pacs and Conventions which are the overarching party groups. We will talk about campaign finance and lobbying laws.
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      35 min
    • Episode 11 - The Census and Congressional Maps
      Apr 29 2023
      This Episode will discuss how the Congressional Maps are drawn and what data is used as well as how political parties influence this process at the state level.
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      47 min
    • Episode 10 - Elections and the Electoral College
      Apr 17 2023
      This episode will discuss elections and the electoral college. We will discuss what the constitution laid out and how this was deligated to the states. We will look at how the states administered this process.
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      40 min

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