• Marco Bruin, Ex-Parachute Regiment, on how he became part of the Freedom Movement.

  • Jul 2 2024
  • Durée : 54 min
  • Podcast

Couverture de Marco Bruin, Ex-Parachute Regiment, on how he became part of the Freedom Movement.

Marco Bruin, Ex-Parachute Regiment, on how he became part of the Freedom Movement.

  • Résumé

  • During our interview Marco reveals the truth behind what led to him making the headlines during the Covid protests and outlines his rationale for contributing the skills that he learned in the Parachute Regiment to the freedom movement in order to help protect people from tyranny. Join the movement http://www.freehumanity.org

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    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Marco Bruin, Ex-Parachute Regiment, on how he became part of the Freedom Movement.

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