De : Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada
  • Résumé

  • On the "Making it to Market" podcast, we discuss everything about brand inception and product/service creation through to commercialization. Industry experts and business owners are invited to share their insights and best practices related to business planning, legal and regulatory considerations, manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, merchandising, B2B buyer methodology and B2C consumer psychology.
    Copyright 2023 Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada
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    • "Making it to Market" Podcast Trailer
      Apr 18 2022

      "Making it to Market," is the podcast where we discuss everything about brand inception and product/service creation through to commercialization. On this podcast, we invite industry experts and business owners to share their insights and best practices related to business planning, legal and regulatory considerations, manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, merchandising, B2B buyer methodology and B2C consumer psychology.

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      Speaker Inquiries: See Criteria

      Original Musical Artist Inquiries: Submit Entry Application

      Host: Dahlia Kelada

      Show Website

      Copyright 2023 Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada

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      5 min
    • E1 Relationships, Personal Brand and Goal Setting - Sherry Eichberger
      May 2 2022

      What happens if you start a business, then for whatever reason, you have to shut it down? What do you do next?

      Today we’ll be hearing the story of one entrepreneur who found herself in this exact situation. She had to rely not only on the strong relationships she’s built over time, but more so on the personal brand she has carefully cultivated. Both of which were instrumental as she successfully transitioned from a store owner to her next project, business consulting. She’ll also share some lessons learned.

      Guest: Sherry Eichberger, Creative Business Consultant and Owner at Central 515

      Jolt Session

      Sherry on LinkedIn

      Musical Guest: "The Rain"

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      Comments or Questions? 832-800-2144 or

      Speaker Inquiries: See Criteria

      Original Musical Artist Inquiries: Submit Entry Application

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      Host: Dahlia Kelada

      Copyright 2023 Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada

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      1 h et 4 min
    • E2 Branding 101 / Is your baby ugly? - Jonathan Fisher
      May 2 2022

      Are you delivering on your brand promise and actually doing what you say you're going to do? How do you know you actually have something that people want?

      How many times has your customer come in contact with your brand before they buy? Today is all about marketing and branding 101.

      Guest: Jonathan Fisher, Chairman at BrandExtract

      Guide to Brand Strategy

      Jonathan on LinkedIn

      Brand Insights

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      Comments or Questions? 832-800-2144 or

      Speaker Inquiries: See Criteria

      Original Musical Artist Inquiries: Submit Entry Application

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      Show Website

      Host: Dahlia Kelada

      Copyright 2023 Making it to Market - Dahlia Kelada

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      59 min

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