Low Life

De : JP Spencer III (IGN: Aradus Gunnell)
  • Résumé

  • An EVE Online (mmorpg) podcast hosted by veteran EVE Online podcasters Aradus Gunnell and Chyph3r, long-time players and current residents of Low Security Space. They discuss current news, EVE Online history, and more. ARADUS GUNNELL is a US Navy veteran (submarines), who has been playing EVE Online since June of 2004. He has been a part of many of the major null blocs through the years, but has spent the majority of his gaming time living in Low Security space; a large portion of that in Amarr Faction Warfare. Currently, he resides in Low Sec near Providence. He was the host of TEN EVEning News for 4 years (see our ARCHIVES section for those old podcasts), and was one of the founders of the (in)famous PODSIDE Podcast. CHYPH3R is a US Army veteran (military police), who has been playing EVE Online since its inception. He has fought alongside (and against) almost all of the major null blocs, and is a proud former Goon. He is most famous for hunting down Twitch streamers and killing them while they stream, chasing CCP developers through dozens of systems in an attempt to collect their corpses, and generally being a belligerent pirate. He is currently a Low Sec resident, enjoying the fact that he doesn‘t have to answer CTAs or hellcamp things in Delve. A veteran EVE Online podcaster, he is known for his work on such productions as: Angry Monkey Podcast, PODSIDE, and TEN EVEning News. He has guest-hosted on dozens of other EVE Online podcasts over the past decade and a half of playing this game.
    Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. CCP hf. has granted permission to LOW LIFE (Podcast) to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not in any way affiliated with, LOW LIFE (Podcast). CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website.
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    • LOW LIFE EPISODE 10: Running a Successful Corporation pt. 1 of 6
      Dec 1 2021

      Hey guys!  Aradus flying solo on this episode. NOTE: I did this UNEDITED, so I apologize for the ums, uhs, buts, and other issues.   SHOW NOTES/LINKS: GM ARCADE'S APOLOGY FOR GANKING COMMUNICATIONS ISSUES

      CCP and DARK HORSE COMICS COLLABORATE on 'The Capsuleer Chronicles'


      MAIN TOPIC: 

      Part 1 of Running a Successful Corporation

      "First Steps"

      My advice for running a solid, CULTURE-FOCUSED Corporation in EVE ONLINE using real-world skills and rolemodels.


      Hope you enjoy!



      aka Aradus Gunnell

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      49 min
    • LOW LIFE Ep. 9:Trying to Find the Positives In The NEW DAWN Patch Notes
      Nov 14 2021

      Join Aradus, Smashies, Chyph3r, and Johan this week as we go through the new Patch Notes that were a major catalyst in today's Jita Riots.


      NOTE: Many extremely intelligent people will be taking to media to talk about why this New Dawn patch is completely terrible.  While we don't necessarily agree with them, we set out with the goal of trying to find a 'silver lining' to the upcoming changes.  Hopefully, we presented a few.


      We encourage you to listen to other livestreams, podcasts, and check out EVE Online news outlets to get a balanced view of these changes, and to see how some of the larger parts of this patch (such as compression/waste) can potentially lead to meta-altering effects in a very negative way.  This episode, however, does not focus on the math/details of that (Aradus isn't smart enough to figure that stuff out). SHOW LINKS:

      The Patch Post That Started It All

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      49 min
    • Low Life Episode 8: Real Life Politics Enters Gaming (again), Eve Vegas ‘21 Post-Event Info & Why We Moved out of Provi
      Nov 4 2021

      This week, Doc is joined by Johan and Chyph3r as they discuss: 1. Senator Hawley (who???)'s comments about 'real men don't play video games' https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/Sen-Josh-Hawley-says-liberals-attacks-on-16584505.php 2. Patch Notes (not much to talk about there) 3. Eve Vegas '21 wrap-up  4. Leaving Providence and Rekking Crew, and why we chose to do that.

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      41 min

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