• Landwards - the podcast of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers

  • De : Various
  • Podcast

Couverture de Landwards - the podcast of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers

Landwards - the podcast of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers

De : Various
  • Résumé

  • Topical and current information, interviews and discussion for members professional journeys through the lens of agricultural engineering.
    © 2024 Landwards - the podcast of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    • Dr Mark Moore - Meet the President, and a late starter
      May 9 2024

      Incoming IAgrE President Dr Mark Moore in conversation with Landwards editor Andy Newbold on all things engineering.

      From a single O Level in metalwork to AGCO's Director of Government Affairs for Europe, Mark discusses that with perseverance anything is possible in an agricultural engineering career.

      "Be prepared, be flexible and be adaptable" Mark says.

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      45 min
    • Robotics Specialist Interest Group takeover
      Mar 4 2024

      This weeks podcast sees Ray King and Kit Franklin from the IAgrE's Robotics SIG gently takeover.

      This edition sees the team talk through the technology offerings from DEFRA's latest round of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund, by way of the sad demise of the Small Robot Company and a look at some of the latest autonomous developments.

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      52 min
    • Agritechnica preview
      Oct 30 2023

      Before heading to Hannover next month, IAgrE CEO Charlie Nicklin and Andy Newbold have a look at what's in store.

      From new fuels, to robotics and autonomy, the world of ag engineering has moved on significantly since the last Agritechnica in 2019.

      Charlie and Andy discuss the latest trends.

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      42 min

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