Couverture de Interconnected


De : Jake Robinson
  • Résumé

  • Welcome to Interconnected – the podcast that explores the intricate links between life’s most profound, weird, and wonderful things!

    Your hosts are Dr Robin Taylor and Dr Jake Robinson.

    In each episode, we discuss an interesting science topic and challenge ourselves to connect it with another subject that may seem completely unrelated, sometimes trivial or quirky!

    © 2024 Interconnected
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    • Solar Power, Biocrusts and Tequila!
      Jun 23 2024

      Welcome to Interconnected – the podcast that explores the intricate links between life’s most profound, weird, and wonderful things!

      Your hosts are Dr Robin Taylor and Dr Jake Robinson.

      In each episode, we discuss an interesting science topic and challenge ourselves to connect it with another subject that may seem completely unrelated, sometimes trivial or quirky!

      Today's topics are Solar Power, Biocrusts and Tequila!

      Also, stay tuned for News from the Invisible World!

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      33 min
    • Nanotechnology and future beer production!
      May 17 2024

      Welcome to Interconnected – the podcast that explores the intricate links between life’s most profound, weird, and wonderful things!

      Your hosts are Dr Robin Taylor and Dr Jake Robinson.

      In each episode, we discuss an interesting science topic and challenge ourselves to connect it with another subject that may seem completely unrelated, sometimes trivial or quirky!

      Today's topics are Nanotechnology and future beer production!

      Also, stay tuned for News from the Invisible World!

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      35 min
    • Biomimicry and Sonic Booms!
      Apr 29 2024

      Welcome to Interconnected – the podcast that explores the intricate links between life’s most profound, weird, and wonderful things!

      Your hosts are Dr Robin Taylor and Dr Jake Robinson.

      In each episode, we discuss an interesting science topic and challenge ourselves to connect it with another subject that may seem completely unrelated, sometimes trivial or quirky!

      Today's topics are Biomimicry and Sonic Booms!

      Also, stay tuned for News from the Invisible World!

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      30 min

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