• Résumé

  • Broadcaster and media personality Mike Parry and radio and TV presenter and columnist Lizzie Cundy explore the fascinating world of infidelity in this exciting and gripping new podcast. Each episode features instances of betrayal and the betrayed, discussion and debate about why people are unfaithful, and real-life stories from you on your experiences of deceit, deception and downright duplicity. Email the show to share your confession at adulterylizzie@gmail.com. Pull the covers back to find out what's really going on out there. You won't believe your eyes...or ears. Is everybody at it?
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    • 1: Adultery - Episode 1
      Jul 3 2024
      Join Mike Parry and Lizzie Cundy each week as they take you into the scintillating world of adultery. We've all experienced it in some form either as betrayer or betrayed, so why does it happen? How has it impacted your life? And can it sometimes be...whisper it quietly...a positive thing? All will be revealed this and every week as Mike and Lizzie are joined by guests who have experienced infidelity in their own lives, as well as sharing their own experiences.

      If you have a confession or story you'd like to share, get in touch with us at adulterylizzie@gmail.com and perhaps you could be a part of our next episode. We would love to hear from you.

      Adultery. Is everybody at it?
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      45 min

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