• Fallout, Capote vs The Swans, Red Eye

  • May 20 2024
  • Durée : 9 min
  • Podcast

Couverture de Fallout, Capote vs The Swans, Red Eye

Fallout, Capote vs The Swans, Red Eye

  • Résumé

  • Mutants and superfreaks abound in post-apocalypse Hollywood as Fallout becomes the latest best-selling video game to get the multi-million dollar TV treatment by the makers of Westworld. But does the rest of the show match a stand-out performance by Walton Goggins as a 200-year-old bounty hunter with no nose?

    Meanwhile Tom Hollander is the ugly duckling among the Swans as Ryan Murphy's Feud series focuses on the bitter fallout between writer Truman Capote and New York's high society hostesses.

    And when bodies start dropping at 35,000 in Red Eye, it's up to Richard Armitage and Jing Lusi to solve the mystery -- and avoid the holes in the plot.

    * Nick Brownlee On The Telly is a Treble Denim Productions and Liquid Studios production

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