Couverture de Exmormon Rhetoric

Exmormon Rhetoric

De : Steve Kelley
  • Résumé

  • Exmormon Rhetoric is a podcast about life after high-demand religion or surviving a cult. It is not just about Exmormons. It is not just Rhetoric. This is a place for conversations about learning and growing as a person and community at our own pace while sharing our own experiences. There is a great big world outside of high-demand religions and cults, let's talk about it and find our place in it, and hopefully find ourselves along the way.

    Steve Kelley 2023
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    • 14 Points of the Mormon church
      Oct 13 2023
      This first episode is an initial attempt at figuring out podcasting, it ain't polished, but it was fun to make. Let me know what you think.
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      42 min

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