European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

De : Free Range Productions
  • Résumé

  • European Network Remembrance and Solidarity is an international undertaking which aims to research, document and disseminate knowledge about 20th century European history and ways of commemorating it, with a particular focus on the period of dictatorships, wars and social resistance to enslavement. The members of the Network are: Poland, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, with representatives from Albania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Georgia also sitting on its advisory board. Europejska Sieć Pamięć i Solidarność jest międzynarodowym przedsięwzięciem, które ma na celu badanie, dokumentowanie oraz upowszechnianie wiedzy na temat historii Europy XX wieku i sposobów jej upamiętniania ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu dyktatur, wojen i społecznego sprzeciwu wobec zniewolenia. Członkami Sieci są: Polska, Niemcy, Węgry, Słowacja i Rumunia, a w jej gremiach doradczych zasiadają ponadto przedstawiciele Albanii, Austrii, Czech, Estonii, Litwy, Łotwy i Gruzji.
    2021-2023 - ENRS
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    • 'In Between?' 2022: Sound of Division
      Jul 28 2022
      'Sound of Division' is a podcast from the 'In Between?' 2022 series, created by an international group of European students that took part in workshops and study visit in the Italian-Slovenian borderland region in July 2022. When we look at a border, we usually see two separate sides, each of them with the markers of individuality, distinctiveness and difference. But the case of Gorizia and Nova Gorica is an exceptional one, as cultures, traditions and histories cannot be unanimously narrated, explained and passed down onto newer generations. Throughout the podcast a broad range of interconnected topics is covered, from historical contexts and different perceptions within the borderland, through contemporary issues and politics of separation, to the grand joint project – becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2025, and the concerns that come along with it. Produced by: Federico Cormaci, Anela Dumonjić, Lena Fuhrmann, Nina Glavan, Benjamin Hoffmann, Roberta Ida Immenschuh, Urban Makorič, Jadwiga Mik and Anna Wachowiak (ENRS) with the support of Bartosz Panek, FreeRange Productions. With the contribution of Lucia Pillon, Mara Cernic, team of GO! 2025 – European Capital of Culture, Nova Gorica. Project "In Between?" 2022 is co-funded by European Union. The series of study visits 'In Between?', initiated in April 2016 by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, draws on from the methodology of oral history. So far, more than 130 young people (under 26 years of age) have participated in seven editions of the project and visited a total of 22 multicultural regions of Europe. Read more:
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      12 min
    • 'In Between?' 2022: Everyone has their own Alsace
      Jul 28 2022
      'Everyone has their own Alsace' is a podcast from the 'In Between?' 2022 series, created by an international group of European students that took part in workshops and study visit in the French-German borderland region in July 2022. The participants of the project spent one week next to the bucolic town Niederbronn-les-Bains 40 km north of Strasbourg. The authors of the podcast were visiting historic sites and interviewing local partners about their identity living in a region on the French-German borderland of very special and traumatic experiences in 20th century history. Learn more about their own reflection about borderland identity, historic memory and the role of local language and culture. Produced by: Gabriel Marisole Basso-Moro, Amanda Baxová, Aline Deprez, Leonie Koll, Carol Viciano Martorell, Elene Shapatava, Gabriel Zvîncă and Annemarie Franke (ENRS) with the support of John Beauchamp, FreeRange Productions. With the contribution of Antoine Deprez, Anne Guillier, Lise Pommois, Annelise Wendling and Paul. Special thanks to Joelle Winter from the Centre International Albert Schweitzer. The series of study visits 'In Between?', initiated in April 2016 by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, draws on from the methodology of oral history. So far, more than 130 young people (under 26 years of age) have participated in seven editions of the project and visited a total of 22 multicultural regions of Europe. Project 'In Between?' 2022 is co-funded by the European Union. Read more:
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      10 min
    • 'In Between 2022': Bridges over the Olza
      Jul 28 2022
      'Bridges over the Olza' is a podcast from the 'In Between?' 2022 series, created by an international group of European students that took part in workshops and study visit in the Polish-Czech borderland region in July 2022. There are two bridges crossing the Olza river, which connect Cieszyn in Poland and Český Těšín in the Czech Republic: the Bridge of Friendship and the Bridge of Freedom. Both towns were once one, but since the last century, they have been divided by borderlines. The history of the region is preserved in the local Silesian dialect as well as other remnants of the old order. What are those remnants? How did the border look like after Poland and Czech Republic joined Schengen? How does it manifest today in peoples’ lives and minds? Produced by: Dorota Błaszczyk, Julia Ciołek, Adam Crhák, Magda Kopańska, McCall Mash, Luděk Němec, Ema Polívková, Veronika Warzycha, Maciej Zawistowski with the support of Beata Tomczyk (ENRS) and Jarosław Kociszewski, FreeRange Productions. With the contribution of Aleksandra Błahut-Kowalczyk, Petr Marciniak, Pavel Peč, Michał Przywara and Roman Wirth The series of study visits 'In Between?', initiated in April 2016 by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, draws on from the methodology of oral history. So far, more than 130 young people (under 26 years of age) have participated in seven editions of the project and visited a total of 22 multicultural regions of Europe. Project 'In Between?' 2022 is co-funded by the European Union. Read more:
      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      12 min

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