
  • Visible and hidden aspects of their personality - Metaphorical Sailing Journey
    Feb 2 2024

    Show Notes for CMG Creative Mind Gymnastics – Episode: "Metaphorical Sailing Journey Through Personality Development"

    1. Introduction to the Episode:

    • Overview of the episode's theme: A metaphorical sailing journey through personality development.
    • Objective of the episode: To take listeners on a journey of discovery through the visible and hidden aspects of their personality.

    1. The Deck of the Ship – The Visible Part of Personality:

    • Discussion on communicative skills: Speaking, arguing, listening, and responding.
    • Importance of external appearance, clothing, presentation, and body language.
    • Significance of teamwork, conflict resolution, and relationship management in both work and private life.

    1. The Hull of the Ship – The Hidden Part of Personality:

    • Insights into the deepest thoughts and feelings: Beliefs and values that guide our actions.
    • Role of emotional intelligence in relationships, well-being, and decision-making.

    1. Interoception and Emotional Intelligence:

    • Explanation of interoceptive awareness: Perception of internal body signals.
    • Importance of emotional intelligence in understanding and regulating one's own and others' emotions.

    1. Self-Reflection – Looking Inside Ourselves:

    • Importance of self-reflection for personal growth and more conscious decision-making.
    • Tips and techniques for effective self-reflection.

    1. Conclusion and Outlook:

    • Summary of the key insights from the episode.
    • Invitation to the listeners to apply what they have learned in their daily lives.
    • Announcement of the next episode and farewell.

    1. Additional Resources:

    • Recommended books, articles, and podcasts on personality development.
    • Contact information for feedback and suggestions for the show.

    1. Acknowledgments:

    • Thanks to all listeners and supporters of the show.

    Reminder to the listeners: Don't miss the next episode of CMG Creative Mind Gymnastics to continue your journey of self-discovery!

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    5 min
  • Light and Creative Performance
    Jan 20 2024

    Podcast Episode: Light and Creative Performance


    • Welcome to creative mind gymnastics, where we explore the fascinating interplay between natural light, creativity, and the depths of philosophical contemplation.
    • In this episode, we dive into the profound connection between natural light, the circadian rhythm, and philosophical considerations.

    Segment 1: The Role of Natural Light in Cognitive Performance

    • Natural light extends beyond illumination, becoming a central force in enhancing cognitive performance.
    • Discover how morning light stimulates our brain, improves mental alertness, and enhances concentration for intellectual work.

    Segment 2: Natural Light and Creativity

    • Uncover the multifaceted impact of natural light on creativity, from promoting mental flexibility to inspiring creative risk-taking.
    • Explore the relationship between mood, willingness to explore new ideas, and the presence of natural light.

    Segment 3: The Connection Between Natural Light and the Circadian Rhythm

    • Understand the complex interplay between natural light and our circadian rhythm.
    • Learn how it governs sleep-wake cycles, regulates hormones like melatonin and cortisol, and synchronizes our internal clock.

    Segment 4: Philosophical Considerations of Light

    • Embark on a philosophical journey into the symbolism of light, representing knowledge, truth, and intellectual awakening.
    • Explore its role in bridging the gap between perception and reality, as seen in Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

    Segment 5: Practical Applications

    • Discover practical ways to harness the benefits of natural light in your daily life.
    • Learn how to design workspaces, incorporate outdoor breaks, and plan tasks for optimal cognitive and creative performance.


    • Reflect on the profound connection between natural light, the circadian rhythm, and philosophical dimensions.
    • Consider how understanding this interplay can enhance creativity, cognitive performance, and overall well-being in a world that increasingly values creative excellence.


    • Thank you for joining us on this illuminating journey.
    • Stay tuned for more thought-provoking episodes on cmg.

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    6 min
  • Music: Stress Relief and Boosting Creativity
    Jan 19 2024

    Podcast Show Notes for "Unlocking Creativity and Conquering Anxiety with Music"

    In the "Unlocking Creativity and Conquering Anxiety with Music" podcast episode, the focus is on how music transcends cultural boundaries, aids in stress relief, and enhances creativity. It discusses the impact of various musical styles on the mind and body, highlighting music's role in creative thinking, emotional catharsis, and anxiety reduction. The episode includes personal stories and scientific insights into music's effects on the nervous system, concluding with a reminder for listeners to engage with future episodes.

    1. Introduction:

    • Welcome to "Creative Mind Gymnastics."
    • Today's focus: The interplay between music, creativity, and anxiety reduction.

    1. The Universal Language of Music:

    • Exploring music's ability to cross cultural boundaries.
    • Discussion on various musical traditions and their unique impact on stress relief and creativity enhancement.

    1. Music and Stress Relief:

    • Understanding how music serves as a refuge in our hectic lives.
    • The effect of different musical styles on our mind and body.
    • Scientific insights into how music can induce relaxation.

    1. Music as a Catalyst for Creativity:

    • How music stimulates creative thinking and problem-solving.
    • The role of divergent thinking in creativity, enhanced by music.
    • Personal anecdotes and stories about music inspiring creativity.

    1. Psychological Perspective on Music and Fear:

    • The relationship between music and fear.
    • Music as a form of emotional catharsis.
    • How certain melodies and harmonies can reduce anxiety.
    • Research findings on music's ability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

    1. The Transformative Power of Music:

    • Integrating and transforming our emotional experiences through music.
    • Personal stories and listener experiences.
    • Closing thoughts on the episode's theme.

    1. Conclusion:

    • Thanking listeners for joining.
    • Preview of the next episode.
    • Reminders for listeners to subscribe, share, and provide feedback.

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    5 min
  • Rediscovering Physical Presence in the Digital Age
    Jan 18 2024

    In this episode, "Rediscovering Physical Presence in the Digital Age," we explore the challenges of staying connected to our physical selves amidst the constant distractions of digital life. We discuss strategies to shift focus from digital to physical awareness, methods for dealing with external influences, and techniques to strengthen self-awareness and authenticity.

    This episode emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and provides insights into the Creative Mind Gymnastics (CMG) program as a resource for further exploration. Join us as we delve into the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance between our digital and physical lives for overall well-being.


    • Welcome to our podcast where today's episode focuses on an increasingly important topic in our digitally dominated world: Rediscovering and strengthening physical presence.
    • Discussion on how the era of constant digital distraction impacts our connection with our bodies and the present moment.

    Main Topics:

    1. The Digital Challenge:

    • Exploring the profound changes in our lifestyle due to constant mobile phone use, endless information streams, and social media.
    • Addressing the issue of digital stress and distraction and its impact on our physical presence and awareness.

    1. Engaging with Our Physical Self:

    • Strategies and exercises to shift focus from digital distractions to physical sensations.
    • The importance of being present in the moment and actively perceiving physical well-being.

    1. Dealing with External Influences:

    • Discussing the influence of social media and external expectations on our perception of self.
    • Methods to detach from external influences and focus on personal physical sensations and needs.

    1. Strengthening Self-Awareness and Authenticity:

    • Techniques to deepen understanding of oneself for a more authentic and self-d

    etermined life.

    • The role of mindfulness practices in grounding ourselves in the here and now.


    • Summarizing the importance of confronting the digital world's distractions to strengthen our physical presence and present moment awareness.
    • Emphasizing the crucial role of this focus for a healthy, balanced, and authentic life.

    Further Resources:

    • Mention of the Creative Mind Gymnastics (CMG) program as a valuable resource for those interested in further exploring these topics.
    • CMG's variety of exercises and approaches for enhancing physical and mental presence and awareness.

    Closing Remarks:

    • A thank you to listeners for joining the episode and an encouragement to delve deeper into their journey towards physical presence and mindfulness.
    • Invitation to tune in for the next episode for more insightful discussions.

    End Notes:

    • Reminder for listeners to stay healthy, creative, and present until the next episode.

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    4 min
  • Energizing Wednesdays: Beating the Midweek Slump
    Jan 17 2024

    In this "Mid-Week Motivation" episode, we explore the midweek slump, examining its psychological and physiological aspects. Featuring inspiring quotes and discussing the roles of willpower and habit, we offer practical tips for re-energizing your Wednesdays. The episode also touches on cultural approaches to the midweek challenge, concluding with a message of positivity and growth.

    1. Introduction

    • Welcome to "Mid-Week Motivation"
    • Overview of today's topic: Overcoming the midweek slump

    1. Understanding the Midweek Slump

    • Discussion on why Wednesdays can feel challenging
    • The psychological and physiological factors behind the slump
    • The impact of the circadian rhythm on our energy and motivation

    1. Inspirational Quotes to Kickstart Your Day

    • Sharing powerful quotes by Vince Lombardi and Jim Ryun
    • How these quotes can shift our mindset and approach to challenges

    1. The Role of Willpower and Habit

    • Exploring the importance of willpower in overcoming midweek challenges
    • The significance of establishing and maintaining positive habits

    1. Practical Tips for a Motivating Wednesday

    • Setting achievable goals for the day
    • Incorporating joyful activities into your routine
    • The importance of a positive mindset

    1. Cultural Perspectives on the Midweek Experience

    • How different cultures perceive and handle the Wednesday slump
    • Work culture and work-life balance in various countries
    • Social norms and traditions that influence our weekly routines

    1. Conclusion

    • Encouraging listeners to reframe their view of Wednesdays
    • Reminder of the opportunities each day brings
    • Closing thoughts and a look ahead to the next episode

    1. Call to Action

    • Invitation to share experiences and tips on overcoming the midweek slump
    • Reminder to subscribe and follow for more motivational content
    • Sign-off with a motivational message

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    5 min
  • Overcoming Self-Doubt
    Jan 16 2024

    Title: Creative Mind Gymnastics - Overcoming Self-Doubt - from Steffen Rolla

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of "Creative Mind Gymnastics," we delve deep into the common and challenging issue of self-doubt. Our discussion explores how these inner voices question our abilities and worth, creating significant barriers in realizing our dreams and goals.

    Key Topics Covered:

    1. Understanding Self-Doubt: We discuss the psychological aspects of self-doubt, emphasizing its roots in our self-image and self-perception. The episode highlights how these doubts often originate from conflicts between our ideal self and our real self.
    2. Root Causes: The conversation delves into how our earliest life experiences, especially during childhood and adolescence, shape our self-esteem and contribute to the development of self-doubt. We also explore the role of societal pressures and the impact of social media on our self-perception.
    3. Personal Traits and Self-Doubt: The episode addresses how personal characteristics, such as perfectionism and high sensitivity, can increase susceptibility to self-doubt.
    4. Psychological Impacts: We discuss the diverse and profound psychological effects of self-doubt, including anxiety, depression, and obstacles to self-realization.
    5. Overcoming Strategies: The episode provides practical advice on developing a realistic and compassionate self-understanding, recognizing and questioning inner critical voices, and the importance of professional help in some cases.
    6. Cultural Influences: A fascinating part of the discussion focuses on how different cultures experience and handle self-doubt, from collective harmony in some cultures to individualism in others.
    7. Effective Techniques: We explore various methods to combat self-doubt, including positive self-talk, meditation, mindfulness, and the power of visualization.
    8. Cultural Concepts and Insights: The episode highlights concepts like Japan’s "Ganbatte" and Scandinavia’s "Lagom," demonstrating how different cultural approaches can provide valuable insights into transforming self-doubt into strength.


    The episode concludes with an empowering message about the universality of self-doubt and the diverse paths to overcoming it. It emphasizes the importance of embracing the wisdom from various cultures to unlock our creative potential and achieve a more fulfilled life.

    Call to Action:

    Stay tuned for our next episode of "Creative Mind Gymnastics," and remember to stay creative, brave, and open to the diversity of the world. Thank you for listening!

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    7 min
  • From Monday Fatigue to Positive Energy!
    Jan 14 2024

    Welcome to "Creative Mind Gymnastics The Art of Surviving," the podcast that turns your start-of-the-week blues into bursts of motivation! In this episode, your hosts Susanne and Steffen Rolla dive into the all-too-familiar feeling of Monday fatigue.

    Discover transformative strategies to shift your mindset, make Mondays exciting, and fill your week with positive energy. Tune in as we uncover the secrets to starting your week on a high note! 🌟📅✨


    • Welcome Message: Greetings from Susanne and Steffen Rolla.
    • Topic Overview: Exploring ways to combat the common issue of Monday fatigue and transforming it into a source of positive energy.

    Main Content

    • The Monday Phenomenon: Discussion on the general feeling of heaviness and reluctance at the start of a new week.
    • Transforming Perspective: Viewing Mondays as the beginning of a new story, full of potential and opportunities.
    • Psychological Aspect: Understanding Monday fatigue as a mental shift from leisure to responsibility.
    • Strategies for Overcoming Mental Hurdles: Seeing Monday as a fresh start.
    • Engaging in positive mental exercises.
    • Utilizing Sunday evenings for mental preparation and relaxation.
    • Enjoyable Monday Activities: Incorporating small, joyful activities into Monday routines.
    • Importance of Sleep Hygiene: Emphasizing a regular sleep schedule for a refreshed start.
    • Morning Rituals: Personalizing morning routines to set a positive tone for the day.
    • Physical Activity: Recommending light exercises as natural mood boosters.
    • Realistic Goal Setting: Focusing on achievable goals and celebrating small successes.
    • Cultural Perspectives: Exploring how different regions, like the GCC countries, perceive the start of the workweek.


    • Final Thoughts: Emphasizing a change in attitude and preparation as keys to enjoying Mondays.
    • Invitation: Encouraging listeners to apply these tips for a more fulfilling start to their week.
    • Closing Message: Gratitude to the audience and a preview of the next episode.

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    5 min
  • Statement about our slogan "The Art of Surviving"
    Jan 14 2024

    Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the powerful message behind "The Art of Surviving," the slogan that encapsulates the essence of the Creative Mind Gymnastics (CMG) program. This episode will explore how CMG addresses the unique challenges of our era and emphasizes the need for courage and creativity.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Adapting to a World in Flux:

    • We discuss how constant change, globalization, and technological advancements create new and complex challenges.
    • Understanding the impact of digital overload, social media comparison, and information density on our mental well-being.

    1. Beyond Survival:

    • Exploring the concept of "The Art of Surviving" as a way to adapt, thrive, and remain authentic in today’s world.
    • Strategies for developing resilience and coping with the uncertainties of a rapidly changing environment.

    1. Tools for Resilience:

    • An overview of how CMG equips individuals with the skills to navigate life’s challenges creatively and flexibly.
    • Insight into how combining creative processes, mental exercises, and physical awareness can lead to personal growth and effective response to life's demands.

    1. Rising Above Everyday Stressors:

    • "The Art of Surviving" as an invitation to transcend daily stress and lead a fulfilling life.
    • Encouraging creative thinking, innovative problem-solving, and realizing one's full potential.

    1. A Practical Philosophy for Modern Life:

    • Discussing how CMG offers a practical approach to not just exist, but to flourish and continually evolve in today’s complex world.
    • Inspiring listeners to harness their strengths for personal and communal success.

    Join us as we explore these themes with our hosts, Susanne and Steffen Rolla, and discover how "The Art of Surviving" is more than a slogan – it's a philosophy for thriving in the modern world. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that promises to reshape your perspective on surviving and thriving in today's fast-paced environment.

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    3 min