
  • Eros Love: A Romantic Unpacking with Reverend Andrew Lazo
    Mar 2 2023

    In 1960, C. S. Lewis published The Four Loves which chronicles the four Greek definitions of love. Today, we will explore Eros love, the romantic/sexual type of love with Reverend Andrew Lazo, C. S. Lewis scholar and co-host of Pints with Jack. 

    We know sex sells in all areas of our culture and economy and has been for centuries. But why are we suspectable to this tricky trap?  Why does sex sell and how can we break from this inflamed cycle of desire and want in a negative way? Using C. S. Lewis as a touchstone, we'll explore this challenging issue from a historical, academic and modern perspective. 

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    28 min
  • 110. C.S. Lewis Scholar David Bates on Storge Love- Wait What?
    Feb 24 2023

    C.S. Lewis wrote The Four Loves to present a balanced portrait of the different aspects of love using various Greek words that either appear in the Bible or else embody a biblical facet of love. In this episode, we explore storge love (“store-gae”) whose chief meaning is the deepest affection, like a parent to a child. A lively conversation with a host of Pints With Jack, David Bates helps us unpack this tricky, but fundamental and deeply fulfilling love. 

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    28 min
  • 110. Feb Love Month: Philia Love and C. S. Lewis
    Feb 16 2023

    February is the perfect backdrop to explore C. S. Lewis's 1960's book, The Four Loves, in which he unpacks his robust interpretation of four types of loves: philia, storge, eros and agape. Today we will speak with Lewis experts David and Crystal Downing of Wheaton College on the subject of philia - friendship bonds.  Lewis described philia as the "least of the natural bonds" but potentially the most powerful because it is freely chosen.  He believes friendship is the "crown of life" and in today's modern world, we ignore its positive influence on human happiness at our peril. 

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    30 min
  • 109. Intentional Mentorship: Scary, Exciting or Both?
    Feb 6 2023

    When you think of asking someone to be your mentor, do you break out in a sweat like you're asking someone on a first date? Do you think you have to find the 'perfect person' who will answer all of your myriad needs? 

    Laura Flanders, a seasoned leader and educator in the training and mentoring field helps us dispels the myths, and our anxiety, by unpacking the definition of mentorship in a compelling and encouraging way. She will help you look at this new year with intentionality and set you up for expanded growth and deeper formation - personally and professionally. 

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    28 min
  • 108. New Year's Resolutions - God's Goals or Yours?
    Feb 1 2023

    We are at the end of January - how are you doing on your New Year's resolutions? 

    Did you make any? 

    Why do some resolutions seem to come easily while others are harder patterns to break - or start?  Dr. Betsy Wagner unpacks how and why change is so hard, and how some resolutions and behaviors are easier to achieve than others.  Based on her research and knowledge of brain science, psychology, spirituality, and modern-day culture, Dr. Wagner gets to the core of "why" you may want to change or start a new behavior - and how you can make it stick.  

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    27 min
  • 107. Is Virtual Reality An Opportunity for Jesus' Message?
    Jan 27 2023

    We all want to escape sometimes- work, responsibilities, and sometimes even our own bodies. Today's virtual reality offers an alternative world view where one can try on new personas and explore new worlds. Should Christians be building avatars and churches to minister in the metaverse? We visit with prolific author and professor, Dr. Doug Groothuis to explore this scintillating and controversial new way of looking at the Christianity in today's virtual worlds.  

    Want to learn more about Christian Curious? We'd love for you to check out our website! https://www.christiancurious.com/

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    27 min
  • 105. How Can We Achieve Physical Fitness and Health Over the Holidays?
    Dec 15 2022

    Our bodies matter to God. And yet, almost all of us, at one time or another, fight the battle of the bulge. As we age, our metabolism slows down and for many, we can give up, thinking our weight is out of our hands--the downside of getting older. But this is not true and there is a way we can gain victory over the scale and achieve physical fitness.

    In the midst of the pandemic, Jody Jolly looked in the mirror and did not like what she saw, so she decided to do something about it and learned a great deal about herself in the process. You won't want to miss her story. 

    You can connect with Jody here: https://www.facebook.com/jody.jolly. 

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    29 min
  • 104. What Does it Mean to Live a Good Life?
    Dec 12 2022

    What is a good life? How do we know when we are living one? If we find that we are not, when we're feeling burned out, dissatisfied, lonely, or addicted, how do we get on the right track?

    Listen in to today's episode with Dr. Bethan Willis, Associate Chaplain with the Oxford Pastorate.

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    27 min