• Cheri Murphy - Energy Healing and Spiritual Mentor

  • De : Cheri Murphy
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Cheri Murphy - Energy Healing and Spiritual Mentor

De : Cheri Murphy
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    • Are you the Buffalo or the Cow?
      Feb 7 2023
      Episode 4. Are you the cow or the buffalo?   Today we are changing it up a bit, we have talked about the basics of spirituality, what it is how, its made up and how we are all connected by energy. So today, as promised in the intro we are going to start discussing the importance of personal growth, how to change your life and encourage the spark of your own personal power to shine brighter then it has ever been before. And yes it is possible to start changing your life with out spending a cent and yes it really is that simple. Before I start delving into what we an do I want you to ask your self one simple question……. Are you the cow or the buffalo? No I havnt lost my mind just yet but I want to share with you something I heaed I heard a while ago and to this day it has stuck with me. I can’t remember where I originally heard this but different version has  popped up  recently and I feel its so fitting with how so many of us are facing life every day.   When there is a storm the buffalo will run towards that storm and face it head on, they say the buffalo is fearless and hit the storm with brute strength. The  but that’s not quiet the case. The buffalo knows that the storm if faced will be over and pass in no time. Its allow the bufflo  more time and freedom on the other side of the storm, which they can put use to other magical and wonderful things.  The cow how ever will run from the storm, trying to get away from it. The cow will continue to run until it gets tired and slows down, and the  storm will eventually  catch up with the cow, The cow and the storm continue to move together and before the cows relises its been living in this storm for so long the the peace, sunlight and freedom on the other side seems impossible to reach. And it no longer remembers what it feels like not to have a storm in life. So what does the cow do, three options. Option 1 – the cow can continue to try and keep running until they fall to the ground with an energy source that is  completely  empty. Trying to make senses of the world, this is where it will feel like shit after shit will keep getting thrown at cow and it eventually give in accepting that this is life now and there is no way out, scaed of the change, even if it could be good. Option 2 – the cow can stop and do nothing and while there may be breaks while each storm passes, the next one will be the same, the cow will rest for a while, gain the strength starts running when the next storm hits and finds itself in the exact same position. Cow may not being going backwards but its not moving forward either. Option 3- the cow can become the buffalo, running towards to storm  the cow can start to understand that it actually has options and that it no longer has to run when the face of a storm starts heading its way, knowing dam well that cow has been  in that storm before, it can try to understand what it is that it is afraid of, it can makes sense that the surface stuff has nothing to do with what is in the eye of the storm. no longer does cow have to fear or live  the shit day in and day out. But how doe scow get out?   Like the cow many of us find our selfs, living life dealing with the crap the continues to come, some days we feel like we can take on the world, that we can fix any problem that comes our way and then there are other days where we struggle just to get up in the morning and doing anything more then just breath. For so long, so many of us get use to feeling like were not worthy, like we don’t have the strength to get up again and face another storm. So many of us are sick and tired of the crap and we want to change and get out of the constant running of the storm but were afraid, how do we stop doing what we have done or so long. I know its not easy, I have lived the life of shit, and one day I decided to say fuck this and I did something about it,  mind you I had to hit rock bottom before I could raise my head, look up and see the light, I found the courage of the buffalo and I faced my biggest fears head on, not knowing if I would be making it out the other end. when I look back, I now understand that I allowed my fears to take over, I allowed the ego thought and the logic brain tell me that I was not good enough, that I was not deserving to have a life where I could actually find peace in the simplest of things And even though My husband has been nothing but supportive and my biggest rock in self discovery, it is just that ‘self discovery’.  I can stand here today and tell you that I have tried and tested so many things  and at times I didn’t think I was going to make it through. But with trail and error I’m proud to be sharing this with you, what I have discovered I teach and guid in my coaching session and shadow work interventions is not just about the spiritual woo woo, the therapies and technics that I use are backed by science, it taps into the brain, the unconscious mind where all of our behaviors ...
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      13 min
    • The difference between Psychics and Mediums
      Jan 21 2023
      Episode 3     The difference between Psychic’s and Mediums.   One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked is what is the difference between psychic and mediums Now I will do my best with trying and break down and explain the difference between these two incredible titles. And I’ll start with a psychic because it’s the  oldest  and  most common terms use.    The best part about being a psychic is having the ability to help someone in a very non-traditional way. A psychic is a someone who has the ability to use their extrasensory perception (ESP) to receive information about another person. I like to think of it as and energy to energy connection between two humans. it’s as if we would be having a soul to soul connection.   For an example if I were to use only my psychic abilities, with your permission I would be able to tap into your own energy and understand on a much deeper level, how your feeling, what emotional wounds you may have, what feeling you are feeling, I’m also able to get information from you in the form of energy blockers and where they may be with in your body or Chakra system, (chakras I’ll talk about in another episode)      I don’t want to make any of these episodes serious but what I’m about to say is serious but I want to make one thing very fucking clear and if you take nothing else out of this episode then I’m okay with this. If you go and see a psychic and they tell you a date of death, or how your going to die get the fuck out of there, do not listen to them, get a refund and never return, practising as a psychic should not be providing people with an idea or how or when they are going to die and the reason for this is what if, just what if that psychic put the idea of death on a certain date into someone’s head and that person actually believed that was going to happen imagine how anxious and fearful that person would become, this is not a game. Being psychic and tapping into people should only be about helping people grow, heal understanding and getting to their higher self. Not putting fear into them.       Every single person on this planet has a psyche. Everyone is able to use the psyche connections, most do and don’t even know it and ill give you an example.   Just for a moment I want you to remember a time where you felt a bad vibe from some one, like a yuky feeling, your spidy sense were telling you that something just wasn’t right about this person but you could not explain why, then later on they proved to you why you had these feelings or thoughts. Ey turned out to be a dick or just a dam right shitty perso That is essentially using you psyche. You knew what this person was about before you knew what this person was about. If you know what I mean.   Psychics are also able to see or understand events or feelings that have happened in the past, that are happing right now and can even predict your future hurdles or triumphs . Now I’m not a huge fan of future telling, and this is simply because we all have the power of free will which means we can change up our world at any given moment, but seeing a psychic can help you understand what you may be facing and provide you with the clear options you may wish to take they can help you see an event before it happens help you understand that you  options, to help you understand they are not stuck and that they have the power within, sometime we all just need a helping hand in being seen and heard.        Now what is a Medium, This one still spins me out and I absolutely love making connection with the dead, or spirit which I think is a much nicer word. A medium can in fact make contact with spirt, but I think its more about being open enough for the spirt to make contact with them, this is where information about a passed loved one comes into play. And I’ll give you an example.   One night I got woken up, I heard a knock on my bed side table, right next to my head. I knew it was a spirit straight away. I opened my eyes and told them to piss off because I was sleeping, I didn’t hear anything more and left it at that. The next night, I felt a tug on my bed sheets, again I told the spirt to piss of and went back to sleep. By the third night of this happening, I was getting pissed off because even though they left when I told them to, they were still coming back.  So I reached out to my spiritual mentor, asking her for advice and explain to her how  cranky and tired I’m getting because of this spirit. now this spirt did not feel evil at all and it defiantly was not threating apart from threatening my sleep, and she asked me one simple question? Have you made time for this spirit during the day, (with a big sigh I said noooo.   So that night once the kids were in bed I made time for this spirt. I sat in the lounge, light some candles, relaxed my body and did my little ritual for me to receive any information from spirt.   What I got then was an image of ...
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      15 min
    • Episode 2 - What is Spirituality
      Jan 11 2023

      Today we are going to discuss what Spirituality is and is not!

      Now this topic makes me a little nervous, why? There are so many opinions and belief’s out there and I just want to make this very clear, what I’m about to share with you is my opinion and my opinion only, you are free to take what you like from this episode, make it your own or you could go “what a crock of shit “and disregard the lot. I don’t mind.


      Spirituality is a nut shell is striving to have a balance with the mind, body and soul and understanding that we may just be so much more the reflection you see when you look in the mirror.

      Spirituality is not meditation, it is not yoga, it is not talking to spirts, it is not simply going out in to nature and hugging a tree, don’t get me wrong if this is something you love doing then by all means go and do it, I’ve tried the whole tree hugging thing and for me the bark was prickly, it was uncomfortable and I didn’t realise until it was to late that it was covered in bugs and ants.

       Meditation, yoga, card readings these are all tools, skills and gifts that assist us in being spiritual, they assist us in connection to our mind, body and souls. but practicing just one of these does not simply make you spiritual,

      Spirituality is also not a religion, Religion may have rules or guidelines that you are required to follow, where spirituality is about working on yourself, figuring out what you life lessons are or purpose, understanding how to release the pain and negative energies from the body and to be the best version of you,  its also connecting to your own intuition  to connect to the to a higher version of which you are in the form of your soul.

      Now lets bring science in here for a second because I want to explain an elements of spirituality and how our human body may actually be suitable to house a soul. And I love that science is finally realised how fascinating and beneficial spirituality is and studying it to try and make sense of what people have been practicing and sharing for centuries.

      Now if I were to get a microscope and place it on your skin we would see skin cell, if we were to magnify that and go deeper we would then see atoms, if we go deeper again all we would see is energy. This could be done on almost anything on this plant, break things down enough and all you will see is energy. You will also be able to see the frequency or vibration in which this energy moves. And this is where crystals and reiki can come in but I will save that for another episode.

       This is where the concept that we are all connect by energy,  on a much deeper level comes from, we may all look completely different to a rick or a plant but at the end of the day energy is what everything has in common, including the soul.  This is why people believe that when we practice grounding for example  we are literally connecting with the earths  energy where one can lower there heart rate, calm the nervous system and in some cases it has been proven to reduce inflammation within the body, there is an interesting doco I think on you tube called earthing which explains what grounding is

      One of the things I love most about Spirituality is that I have connected with so many beautiful people, and each one of us has our own idea of how we want to get to the best version of our selfs spiritual, there are witches, shamans,  light workers the list goes on. I personally don’t put my self in any title as such, I take what I like take  what sits right what feels right and if that helps me become a better version of me, where I can bring in more love, compassion and understanding that at the end of the day that what spirituality is.

      I  hope this has helped you understand what spiritualty is or Ive just complete lost you all together, wither way I look forward to connecting with on the next episode bye.

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      8 min

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