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Business Plan

De : Brandon White
  • Résumé

  • How to write a business plan to build a business. You can use this business plan to start a business, launch a new product, launch a new service, start a division of a large company, raise money from investors, raise venture capital, recruit employees and even do annual business planning with this business plan. This is your podcast to build a modern business plan.

    © 2024 Business Plan
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    • How to Write a Business Plan - Slide 11 - Summary Slide
      Mar 24 2024

      How to build your Summary Slide for slide 11 of your business plan.

      This is slide #11 in your modern business plan. We go over:

      • What your summary slide should look like.
      • Why you want a summary slide.
      • How to use this slide effectively in your business plan presentations.

      Send us a text message to let us know what you think of the episode!

      If you want a Workbook that goes along with this how to build your business plan podcast check the link below for the Amazon #1 Best Seller business plan book.

      Back of the Napkin to...Business Plan in 11 Slides by Brandon White
      So easy you can build your business plan on a flight from San Francisco to New York

      An Amazon New Release Best Seller

      Best price on Amazon here

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      4 min
    • How to Write a Business Plan - Slide 10 - Funding
      Mar 24 2024

      How to build your Funding Slide for slide 10 of your business plan.

      This is slide #10 in your modern business plan. We go over:

      • What your funding slide should look like.
      • The questions you need to answer on your funding slide.

      Send us a text message to let us know what you think of the episode!

      If you want a Workbook that goes along with this how to build your business plan podcast check the link below for the Amazon #1 Best Seller business plan book.

      Back of the Napkin to...Business Plan in 11 Slides by Brandon White
      So easy you can build your business plan on a flight from San Francisco to New York

      An Amazon New Release Best Seller

      Best price on Amazon here

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      4 min
    • How to Write a Business Plan - Slide 9 - Team
      Mar 23 2024

      How to build your Team Slide for slide 9 of your business plan.

      This is slide #9 in your modern business plan. We go over:

      • What your team slide should look like
      • How to think about the different members of your team from your employees, your Advisory Board and Board of Directors
      • The 12 traits you want to look for in team members.

      Send us a text message to let us know what you think of the episode!

      If you want a Workbook that goes along with this how to build your business plan podcast check the link below for the Amazon #1 Best Seller business plan book.

      Back of the Napkin to...Business Plan in 11 Slides by Brandon White
      So easy you can build your business plan on a flight from San Francisco to New York

      An Amazon New Release Best Seller

      Best price on Amazon here

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      10 min

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