• Résumé

  • Welcome all you wonderful people, and thank you so much for checking out Bawdy Ballads, where we will explore all the dirty, sassy, and usually surprising old popular songs, and when I say old… I mean old. Four hundred years old old. And along the way we’ll explore all those things that make life a bit more interesting. There’s trickery infidelity, loving, drinking, and fighting. While we dig deep in these songs, we’ll talk about all kinds of things: archetypes, history, folklore, and how so many of these songs hold vast potential for inspiration of new creations.

    © 2023 Bawdy Ballads
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    • Episode 20: Dear God what is that thing?
      Jun 24 2023

      We are finally getting to one of the ballad types and topics that made me realize how much potential lay in these old songs…. Monstrous births. Or, to be clear, that's how they were marketed at the time. They were actually an overall mix of true accounts of birth defects and used the idea of deformity as a direct metaphor. Either which way it went, one thing remained the same. The mother was almost always to blame in some way or another.

      Prides's Fall
      The two inseparable brothers.

      Infant Mortality Rates
      The Jersey Devil
      Colloredo Twins
       Succession to the Crown Act 
      NIH: Pregnancy test timeline
      The Encyclopedia of Superstitions by Richard Webster
      The Odd Superstition Behind Birthmarks
      Medieval disability glossary. 

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      29 min
    • Episode 19: Ways to wooing a Witty Wench.
      May 10 2023

      Welcome everyone to Episode 19 Where we are looking at all the ways to woo those wonderful and witty wenches… or the ones who value knowledge over marriage, the one’s that fit the Athena archetype.

      Show transcript and blog
      A mad kinde of wooing
      Hares on the Mountain
      The Blue Stocking Society
      The Enlightenment

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      26 min
    • Episode 18: Robin Hood ultimate trickster and working-class hero.
      Feb 26 2023

      Today we look at both the history and one of the earliest versions of the Robin Hood legend, which spread and gained popularity largely through the ballad traditions. While we do we will look at how he fits in with that classic trickster archetype, and how the social and economic factors of the 1300's led to fertile ground for the growth of his story.
      Robin Hode and the Munke / Robin Hood and the Monk
      Timeline Documentary
      The Medieval Warm Period
      The Great Famine
      Black Death
        100 Years War
      Peasant’s Revolt

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      30 min

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