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Couverture de Ayurveda for Everyday Life

Ayurveda for Everyday Life

De : Swami Purnachaitanya
Lu par : Swami Purnachaitanya
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  • Résumé

  • Audible presents Ayurveda for Everyday Life, an Audible Original podcast, produced in association with Hubhopper. In this podcast, Swami Purnachaitanya, fondly known as the Dutch Monk shares how to utilize principles of Ayurveda, the ancient science of health and wellbeing, to improve the quality of your life. Understanding how Nature works allows you to align with Nature, bringing balance to body and mind and making activities more effortless and effective.

    This podcast will help you learn how to use this science to deal with life’s challenges more effectively and make you happier, healthier, and more successful. It will not only help you to understand yourself better, learning about your innate strengths and weaknesses, but it will also teach you a lot about other people. You will start by learning the fundamental principles of Ayurveda such as the Gunas, Doshas and Prakriti, which will allow you to understand how we are all different and have our own unique qualities and behaviour. You will then learn how to apply this knowledge to improve specfic aspects of your life, such as your studies, health, relationships and overall success. Or how it can help you find a job or career that you will be good at and also feel great in, or have a more successful first date, for example.

    Swami Purnachaitanya aka the Dutch Monk is a bestselling author, public speaker, and spiritual guide to many worldwide. Born in the Netherlands, he has become a public figure traveling extensively in Asia, Africa, and Europe, conducting a wide range of self-development programs for The Art of Living in over 25 countries. A disciple of world-renowned Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, he is a sought-after teacher of yoga, meditation, and mantras and an enthralling storyteller who has transformed the lives of people from all backgrounds with his uncanny ability to decode profound ancient wisdom and impart it with simplicity, making it practically applicable in modern life.

    To connect with Swami Purnachaitanya, check out his handle @swamipurnachaitanya on Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook, or visit his website @ swamipurnachaitanya.com.

    ©2023 Audible (P)2023 Audible
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