Couverture de Alcohol Free Life - Janey Lee Grace

Alcohol Free Life - Janey Lee Grace

De : Janey Lee Grace
  • Résumé

  • Have you quit the booze? Sober curious? Thinking about reducing your alcohol intake? Tips, advice and motivation from experts, authors and sober heroes and importantly we want to celebrate self-care in sobriety. We look at the issues around alcohol with no judgement and hope to inspire you to be all that you can be, joyful, healthy happy and brave! Janey Lee Grace is a UK based former BBC presenter, author of Happy Healthy Sober - ditch the booze and take control of your life. fave a TEDx talk Sobriety Rocks - Who Knew! and founder of ( Join us! Donate / Buy Janey a coffee! (
    Janey Lee Grace
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    • Setting Boundaries - Susan from Hola Sober
      Jun 28 2024

      Janey shares some thoughts about staying connected. Join us in The Sober Club for inspiration and the whole holistic shebang Just go to The Sober

      Come to an event! A few tickets left for the Alcohol Free Life podcast Live at Club Soda Tues 2 July and Sun 21 July Family Constellations in Herts

      Dates are also announced for Janey's book tour late October / November, come along to one of the events and meet Janey and remininsce (or learn!) about the 80's and 90's

      All events

      Janey's guest is Susan from Hola Sober and they chat about the importance of setting healthy boundaries and taking proper care of yourself, especially in the early weeks of quitting alcohol.

      Hola Sober magazine is out next week @holasober

      Navigating Sobriety: Setting Healthy Boundaries

      1. Communicate Clearly and Confidently

      Let your friends and family know about your commitment to sobriety. Be direct and clear about your boundaries. For example, you can say, “I’m not drinking anymore, so I’d appreciate it if we could avoid activities centered around alcohol.” Setting these expectations upfront can help prevent awkward situations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

      2. Have an Exit Strategy

      Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in environments that challenge our boundaries. Plan an exit strategy in advance. This could be driving your own car to social events so you can leave when you need to, or having a trusted friend who can help you out of uncomfortable situations. Knowing you have a way out can reduce anxiety and help you stay firm in your sobriety.

      Setting boundaries isn’t about isolating yourself; it’s about creating a supportive environment where you can thrive

      Follow Janey on social @janeyleegrace

      If you're interested in training to be a holistic sober coach, drop an email to janey at

      @janeyleegrace #thesoberclub

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      42 min
    • Sober is Dope! Artist and musician POP Buchanan
      Jun 21 2024

      Janey chats about the importance of harnessing the energy of the summer solstice, if you’re Day one, commit to being sober at least from solstice to solstice!

      Join us in The Sober Club for accountability and connection

      This week we are rerunning an interview from last year with POP Buchanan, author,music artist, and the founder and host of the Sober is Dope Podcast. After suffering from alcohol addiction and hitting rock bottom, POP began his journey to recovery with the power of prayers, affirmations, and relentless positive thinking. Now 10 years sober, his goal is to help others overcome whatever addictions they face, harnessing the power of prayer, affirmations, and testimony to help them create positive, lasting change.

      Find The Sober Club, click on events: Tue July 2 Club Soda with Clare Pooley

      Sun 21 July Family Constellations

      Please vote for the podcast


      Follow Janey on social @janeyleegrace

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      38 min
    • Mindfulness in Sobriety - Deb Masner
      Jun 14 2024

      Janey shares some thoughts on resilience, and just how wonderful it is to be able to come back to balance rather than being 'buffeted' around when you're drinking.

      Janey was a guest on the Alcohol Tipping Point podcast and this week the favour is returned. Deb Masner is the founder of the Alcohol Tipping Point - a place to find free resources, tools, and tips to help you change your drinking. She's a Registered Nurse, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, SMART Recovery Facilitator, Mindfulness Instructor, Podcast Host, and Alcohol-Free Badass.



      EVENTS - Connection is key!

      Join us for our meet up on July 2nd with special guest Clare Pooley in London

      Sunday July 21st is Family Constellations in Herts

      Before that, if you've become curious about what it means to inspire others, join our free webinar What does it mean to be a sober coach Wed 19 June 7.30pm

      All events here

      Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace

      Join The Sober Club

      For accountability, inspiration, support, connection

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      54 min

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