• Résumé

  • Likely of interest ONLY to the members of the Collegiate School For Boys class of 1983 (or those who were briefly a part of that class) as we get ready for our 40th reunion in May of 2023.
    © 2024 '83 Dutchmen
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    • RAY FLORES: Release the Power
      Apr 30 2024

      Chances are Ray Flores would have taken a different path in life if things had been different. But chances are that's true for everyone. I had a wonderful talk with the guy who should have won "Most Likely to End Up in HR." Collegiate School's official reunion is this Friday, May 3rd, 2024, which means our epic reunion was almost one year ago! To RSVP to the school's festivities, click here. I will send out the Zoom link for our reunion (aka "Nightcap with The Capper") next week via email.

      Although you must be a member of the Collegiate class of 1983 to join our WhatsApp group, anyone can make a donation to the school here: https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/25715/donations/new

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      49 min
    • JAMIE WATTS: Teetering on the Cusp
      Jan 13 2024
      For this first episode of the second season of '83 Dutchmen, host Taylor Mali speaks to commercial photographer Jamie Watts about being the absolute youngest member of the class of 1983 and the affect that had on how actively he participated in his own life at school. Would it have been better for Jamie to have been the oldest member of the class of 1984? The jury is out. Taylor and Jamie talk about Terror's Group, a small, informal, and short-lived club born out of a general sense of not feeling that you fit in. They discuss whether the term "outsider" is really the right word for those internal feelings of not belonging to a group that you otherwise appear outwardly to be a part of. Together they sift through the detritus of memory to decide what is not worth saving (because it's not important) and what is (because it is)!

      Although you must be a member of the Collegiate class of 1983 to join our WhatsApp group, anyone can make a donation to the school here: https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/25715/donations/new

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      28 min
    • TAYLOR MALI: Today I will have outlived my parents (if I am still alive when this posts).
      Aug 6 2023

      August 6th of this year (2023) is the exact day that '83 Dutchmen host Taylor Mali will have outlived his mother by one day and his father by 30. He is on vacation right now, likely without reliable wifi, but he scheduled this podcast to post automatically. Mali says "This is a collection of audio postcards I recorded over the course of seven months and containing the artful observations and poignant—if sometimes lugubrious —musings of a poet. Because I am also a poet, in case you were not aware of that."

      —updated Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

      Although you must be a member of the Collegiate class of 1983 to join our WhatsApp group, anyone can make a donation to the school here: https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/25715/donations/new

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      1 h et 3 min

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