• 3D printer

  • De : Rohith
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • 3D printer:

    • 3D printing or attitude manufacturing is process of making three dimensional solid object from a digital file.
    • the creation of 3D printer object is achieved using attitude process.
    • in an additive process and objective created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created.
    • the process start with making a virtual design that has be created the virtual design made in tinker CAD (computer aided design) file using a 3D modelling program or using 3D scanner existing object .
    • slicing softwares slices the final model into thousands of horizontal layers.
    • when this prepared a file is uploaded in the 3D printed creates the object .
    • ATL has been deer winner for home 3D printing because of its biodegradability and because it does not give of unpleasant chemical fumes during the process.
    Copyright 2024 Rohith
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    • 3D printer
      Jul 1 2024

      This episode you can learn what is 3D printer and application of 3D printer

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      1 min

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