Couverture de 10-Minute Equestrian

10-Minute Equestrian

De : Chelsie Brooks
  • Résumé

  • Create a deeper bond and connection with the horse you love in 30 minutes a week!

    © 2024 10-Minute Equestrian
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    • Control vs. Communication - How Does Your Horse Communicate?
      Jul 5 2024

      Breaking down the basics of equine communication with Equine Behavior Coach Chelsie Brooks - who is admittedly terrible at keeping episodes at 10 minutes or less. Learn the difference between control and communication - and why it's so important to lean into communication and ditch the idea that we need to control our horses. We're talking training, uncovering the nuances of equine behavior, and Clinton Anderson. It's a good one!

      Learn more at Willow's Way Equine!

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      20 min
    • Do You REALLY Check In with Your Horse?
      Jul 1 2024

      Meet Chelsie Brooks, Equine Behavior Coach and host of 10-Minute Equestrian! Also, learn how to truly check in with your horse from an energetic level. This little trick can set the tone for not only your ride or training session but for the relationship you have with your horse or the horse you regularly work with. Chelsie discusses how you don't need to have your own horse to check in, and how every horse deserves to let you know how they're feeling. We're so excited your here, and that this passion project has finally begun!

      Are you ready to start scratching the surface of building a connection with the horse you love? Let's go!

      Learn more at Willow's Way Equine!

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      23 min

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