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Couverture de You Can Read Anyone

You Can Read Anyone

De : Lieberman, David J.
Lu par : David J. Lieberman
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    Have you ever wished you could peer into someone's mind to find out what he or she is really thinking? Now you can...really.

    This audiobook is not a collection of recycled ideas about body language. It does not suggest that a woman's hairstyle will give us unprecedented access into her soul; neither does it spout wildly ambiguous generalities about people based on intuition or gut instinct. Nor does it reach conclusions based on how she folds her hands or he ties his shoelaces. This audiobook contains specific, proven psychological techniques that can be applied instantly to any person in just about any situation.

    Dr. Lieberman has demonstrated the ease and accuracy of these techniques on hundreds of television and radio programs. In a special report for Fox News, host Jeff Rosin declared, "It's simply amazing! I was with him and he was never wrong...not even once. I even learned how to do it, and that's saying something." In fact, Dr. Lieberman has gone head-to-head on live television with skilled polygraph examiners and scored just as well every time.

    You Can Read Anyone explains, step-by-step, exactly how to tell what someone is thinking and feeling in real-life situations. For example, you will see precisely how to determine whether another poker player will stay in or fold, whether a salesperson is trustworthy, or whether or not a first date is going your way or the other way. And when the stakes involve high-level negotiations, interrogations, or questions of abuse, theft, or fraud, knowing who is out for you, and who is out to get you (or a loved one) can save you time, money, energy, and heartache.

    ©2007 David J, Lieberman (P)2007 Gildan Media Corp


    "Lieberman offers proven psychological techniques that deliver on their promise to get inside a person's head....Dr. Lieberman's insights into human nature are breathtaking and practical." ( Focus Magazine)

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