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What Is Human Factor

De : Vipin Gupta
Lu par : Andrea Fuller
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    What Is Human Factor: The Key to a Joyful Life is the interplay between masculinity and femininity. Here is the starting premise that I investigate in-depth here for some fascinating findings. 

    As humans, we all have masculinity. As a human factor, masculinity differentiates us from Mother Nature. Mother Nature blesses us to be her child creation with her femininity. Therefore, femininity is like a deity body that embodies the deity kingdom whose omni-permeating spirit gives birth to the human kingdom. 

    Not all of us behave like humans. The first class of beings makes conscious decisions to behave like the animal kingdom, wishing to establish their omnipotence by managing everything astutely. A second class chooses to imagine the seeds of plants within them para-consciously. They work tirelessly to proliferate their wisdom until they get the credit for their omniscience, like the plant kingdom that appears to know everything with its timeless patience and presence.

    A third class infuses their virtues within the absolute consciousness of everything fused with both plantlike growth and animal-like development. They act like the mineral kingdom leading from the front, but with an omnipresence in the background. 

    A fourth class fuses its intuition within everybody so that everyone begins behaving like them. They act like the metal kingdom repelling everyone sharing their energy, and attracting everyone like them. They extensify the integrated geography over time and intensify the time-varying group differentiation. They are always present, seeking to trade whatever is present for manifesting what is not. 

    A fifth class naturally creates affinity with anyone attached to them. They form a circle seeking to shower their maternal affection on those loyal. They expect increasing returns, organizing all the loyal followers for creating attachment with those outside the circle of attachment. They act like the material kingdom that generates thermodynamic entropy in everybody attracted and attached to its masculinity, making it the Almighty Creator.

    Dr. Vipin Gupta (PhD, Wharton) is a professor at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, California State University San Bernardino, USA.

    ©2021 Vipin Gupta (P)2022 Vipin Gupta

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