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Couverture de They Stole the Earth!

They Stole the Earth!

De : D.W. Hitz
Lu par : Larissa Thompson
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    Everyone’s frozen!

    Aliens hijacked Earth from orbit! As the only humans awake, Bruce and Lindy team up with an android friend to do something about it!

    Bruce, 11, and sister Lindy, 9, show up to school on a warm Spring morning. They discover that friendly aliens have arrived on Earth. Unfortunately, at lunch, things go awry when all of their classmates freeze in place.

    The brother and sister realize that the interstellar visitors aren’t really there to make friends. They must pull together the courage to save their planet before it’s stolen for good. They’ll need to use alien technology, sneak aboard the visitors’ craft, and fight for their home. If they fail, the Earth and everyone on it will become the property of an extra-terrestrial race, or worse!

    ©2021 D.W. Hitz (P)2021 Fedowar Press, LLC
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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