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Couverture de The True Apostolic Church

The True Apostolic Church

De : Henry Harrison Epps Jr
Lu par : Dave Hawthorne
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    The end-times glorious Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will break away from the traditional denomination church teachings and they will return to the original church teachings of love, charity, hope and faith!

    Today's teachings of worshipping men as gods and trying to fulfill the tenants of the law have greatly weakened the body Christ. Men have become rock stars full of greed, selfish pleasures and have misled the children of God.

    The true apostolic church operates all of the gifts of God the office of the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor, and the teacher. Today's modern church focuses on money, power and sex glorifying the works of men who entertains the people with teachings that focus on materialism, humanism, and emotionalism! Many times, you go to a Christian church and not once hear the name of Jesus Christ?

    The preacher will teach some watered down prosperity message and the people will never learn how to have faith in the true and living God. Apostate teachings are teachings contrary to the word of God and teachings that focus on the individual and not on the glorification and worship of the true and living God. Now this is what the word teaches about the many gifts of the body of Christ working together.

    ©2013 Henry Epps (P)2013 Henry Epps

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