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Couverture de The Spy Who Vanished

The Spy Who Vanished

De : Alma Katsu
Lu par : Daniel Henning
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    In the midst of Putin’s war on Ukraine, his most famous spy, Yuri Kozlov—known as the Russian James Bond—is among those who defect to the United States in protest. But Yuri’s intentions are anything but clear, and he’ll be forced to decide where his loyalty truly lies before his luck runs out.

    The Vanishing Man

    A renowned spy’s reputation is put to the test when he becomes an ally to his former enemy in the first installment of Yuri Kozlov’s trilogy from Alma Katsu, the award-winning author of Red Widow.

    Yuri Kozlov is well known as the “Russian James Bond.” So when he defects to the United States during Putin’s war on Ukraine, suspicions arise around his loyalties. To prove he’s turned over a new leaf, he’ll have to convince his handlers—and the CIA’s rigorous debriefing and analysis—that his intentions are as honorable as he claims.

    On Enemy Ground

    In the follow-up to award-winning author Alma Katsu’s The Vanishing Man, Russian spy turned informant Yuri Kozlov struggles with his roots, his relationships, and the true nature of his operation.

    Yuri’s time at the CIA safehouse is going well. He’s pacified his handlers, going so far as to call one of them a friend. But even as he settles, Yuri struggles with why he came to America in the first place. He traces his present situation back to the mission for Russia that made his name—and that may have condemned his soul.

    Shaken, Not Stirred

    Acclaimed author Alma Katsu presents the final chapter of Yuri Kozlov’s journey with a string of doubts, revelations, and the full truth of who he is and the man this mission has made him.

    Seemingly satisfied with Yuri’s performance, the CIA takes him to Jamaica for a meeting with high-level politicians. But this party has far more in store than rubbing elbows with America’s elite. As his own and others’ secrets are revealed, Yuri must decide once and for all where his loyalty lies and whether it’s worth killing—or dying—for.

    ©2024 Alma Katsu. (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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