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  • The Spinning Heart

  • De : Donal Ryan
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de The Spinning Heart

The Spinning Heart

De : Donal Ryan
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Winner of the
    Guardian First Book Award 2013

    Shortlisted for the Dublin IMPAC Literary Award 2014

    Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2013

    Winner of Book of the Year at the Irish Book Awards 2012

    In the aftermath of Ireland's financial collapse, dangerous tensions surface in an Irish town. As violence flares, the characters face a battle between public persona and inner desires. Through a chorus of unique voices, each struggling to tell their own kind of truth, a single authentic tale unfolds.

    The Spinning Heart speaks for contemporary Ireland like no other novel. Wry, vulnerable, all-too human, it captures the language and spirit of rural Ireland and with uncanny perception articulates the words and thoughts of a generation. Technically daring and evocative of Patrick McCabe and J.M. Synge, this novel of small-town life is witty, dark and sweetly poignant.

    'Donal Ryan is the real deal ... a brilliantly realised, utterly resonant state-of-the-nation landscape' SUNDAY INDEPENDENT

    'It's furious, it's moving, it's darkly funny, it punches you right in the gut' NEW YORK TIMES

    ©2012 Donal Ryan (P)2012 Penguin Audio


    'Filled with light and shade, love and tragedy ... if it was a song you could sing it' (Anne Enright)

    'It’s furious, it’s moving, it’s darkly funny, it punches you right in the gut, the writing is effortlessly wonderful, and every one of the wide variety of voices rings utterly true.' (Tana French)

    'Donal Ryan’s precise and evocative debut … is a textured account of a community as it was during a brief moment of time. … unexpectedly tender … Ryan’s prism of life and lives is compellingly humane. … This is an exciting, relevant and believable contemporary novel about the lost and the wounded that listens to the present without discarding either the sins of the fathers or the literary legacy of the past.' (Eileen Battersby)

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