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Couverture de The Plateau Effect

The Plateau Effect

De : Bob Sullivan, Hugh Thompson
Lu par : Don Hagen
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    The Plateau Effect is a powerful law of nature that affects everyone. Learn to identify plateaus and break through any stagnancy in your life - from diet and exercise, to work, to relationships. The Plateau Effect shows how athletes, scientists, therapists, companies, and musicians around the world are learning to break through their plateau - to turn off the forces that cause people to “get used to” things - and turn on human potential and happiness in ways that seemed impossible.

    The audiobook identifies three key flattening forces that generate plateaus, two principles to guide listeners in engineering a plateau’s destruction, and three actions to take to achieve peak behavior. It helps us to stop wasting time on things that are no longer of value and to focus on the things that leverage our time and energy in spectacular ways. Anything you want to do better - play guitar, make friends, communicate with your children, run a business - you can accomplish faster by understanding the plateau effect.

    ©2013 Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson (P)2013 Gildan Media LLC


    “You already know what the plateau effect is. No matter what the endeavor, we've all experienced that feeling of diminishing returns from our efforts. Now Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson present the definitive guide for those who believe things can get a lot better and want to rise above their plateaus. Turn your back on the daily grind for good. Read this book now.” (Ori Brafman, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior)
    " The Plateau Effect is smart, bracing, and eye-opening­ with genuine pay-offs for accomplishing your dreams. It’s also cheerful, funny and greatly entertaining. Use it!” (Amy Chua, author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)

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