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The Pink Palace, Book 2

De : Marlon McCaulsky
Lu par : Samantha Moon
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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and if that woman is Nikki Bell, then that means everyone better jump outta the way. After giving up dancing at The Pink Palace and settling down with her family, Nikki believes she could have a normal life. She soon finds out she is wrong, and now, her past is back to haunt her. When things start to go downhill fast, she learns that Malachi Turner, a notorious drug dealer and the new owner of The Pink Palace, is the man responsible for destroying her new life. Nikki has no choice but to confront him.

Malachi gives Nikki a dire choice: Come back and dance for him, or suffer the deadly consequences. Nikki, desperate for a way out, meets a stripper named Jasmine, a bad girl with a history of mischief and mayhem. Jasmine wants to challenge Nikki to a fierce battle to be the number one moneymaker at The Pink Palace. The tension is thick between these two.

When the truth is revealed to Nikki about the reasons why her life took a tailspin, she has no choice but to make uneasy alliances in order to bring Malachi down and escape his grasp. First she must decide: How far is she willing to go in order to get her life back?

©2010 Marlon McCaulsky (P)2021 Blackstone Publishing, Urban Audiobooks, LLC
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