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  • The Leader Launchpad

  • Five Steps to Fuel Your Business and Lift Your Profits
  • De : Howard M. Shore
  • Lu par : Andrew Rowe
  • Durée : 8 h et 43 min

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The Leader Launchpad

De : Howard M. Shore
Lu par : Andrew Rowe
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    "Howard has distilled his vast experience, identified the key levers for acceleration, and conveyed them through real-life stories that are interesting and illuminating." (Brad Smart, author, president, and CEO, Topgrading Inc.)

    Sooner or later, every business owner finds themselves working too much in the business rather than on the business. Despite working harder than ever, they know their organization could be growing faster and generating greater profits. To stimulate the traction and significant growth that leaders seek, they need strategies to create and sustain a successful business as well as ways to break through the invisible barriers that prevent forward movement.

    In The Leader Launchpad, growth expert and master business accelerator Howard M. Shore offers a five-step, clear-cut, actionable plan to help leaders feel in control of their professional destiny. 

    Packed with practical information, The Leader Launchpad includes profit-actualizing and scale-enhancing systems for:

    • Identifying mindsets essential to creating great companies
    • Recognizing the crucial steps to increase employee engagement
    • Developing a strategy that leads to faster growth and higher profitability
    • Aligning teams with priorities to significantly impact results
    • Ensuring the right people are in the right seats doing the right thing
    • Building a culture of accountability

    Engaging and compelling, The Leader Launchpad is a must-listen for any leadership team looking to create a massively successful and enjoyable business.

    ©2020 Howard M. Shore (P)2021 Howard M. Shore

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