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Couverture de The Galveston Diet

The Galveston Diet

De : Dr Mary Claire Haver
Lu par : Dr Mary Claire Haver
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    An instant
    Wall Street Journal Bestseller!

    The real UK edition of the menopause health plan that is taking the US by storm and already helped 100,000 women lose stubborn weight and tame their symptoms.

    When Dr Mary Claire Haver hit the perimenopause, she was shocked at the severity of her symptoms. She had always lived a very healthy lifestyle, but the weight seemed to be piling on and no diet or fitness regime could shift it.

    Exhausted and miserable, she decided to research her own solutions and was able to transform her health with three principles which are now central to The Galveston Diet:

    Fuel Refocus - Alter the ratio of healthy fats, lean protein, and quality carbohydrates to efficiently burn fat.

    Intermittent Fasting - Eat within a flexible 8-hour eating window to draw energy from stored fat.

    Anti-inflammatory Food - Eat more foods like leafy greens, olive oil, berries, nuts, and tomatoes.

    By combining these key principles Dr Haver has created a nutritional plan that finally makes it possible to lose stubborn weight and tame everyday symptoms from brain fog to insomnia.

    The first menopause diet designed by a woman for women, this is a kind, honest and science-backed plan with recipes, practical tips and shopping lists so that, no matter your lifestyle, you can finally regain control of your health and feel like YOU again.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Mary Claire Haver (P)2023 Penguin Audio

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