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Couverture de The Coming Civil War

The Coming Civil War

De : Tom Kawczynski
Lu par : Jeff Winston
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    War is coming.

    The first skirmishes are already being fought. The crisis America faces is between two incompatible visions of the future, and a nation sharply divided between them.

    Will we become this diverse beacon of tolerance where we forget our past and embrace socialism and political correctness? Or, will we stand for our traditional beliefs, values, liberty, and sovereign government as free citizens our Founders did?

    Between these two paths, it becomes clearer each day no happy compromise exists to be reached, and as the arguments become more heated and the fights spill into the street, this battle to define America for generations to come is just beginning.

    To understand the reasons for the fight, the players shaping this conflict, the groups who will be on each side, and what this potentially means for your family and our nation, this brutally candid account offers a vital glimpse toward dark days ahead.

    ©2018 Tom Kawczynski (P)2019 Tom Kawczynski

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