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Couverture de The Book of Pslams

The Book of Pslams

De : God, David Javerbaum, Jesus, The Holy Ghost
Lu par : David Javerbaum
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    Just in time for the Apocalypse comes a new Biblical scripture from God and 13-time Emmy Award-winning comedy writer David Javerbaum.

    Three thousand years ago, King David wrote The Book of Psalms—hymns in praise of God that became famous worldwide. Now, with humanity on the verge of a self-generated catastrophe, God (with the help of another David) has decided to return, and reverse, the favor.

    God has collected a cornucopia of insults of the human race in the form of prose, poetry, and parody. From topics as diverse as COVID-19, Trump, racism, abortion, meth, math, and on a lighter note, the platypus, God provides a 21st-century spin on life’s many problems. And he’s not alone: his son Jesus Christ has contributed 30 sermons of his own, updating some of his Biblical teachings for the modern audience. Even the Holy Ghost stops by to make sure you don’t forget him. Anybody who’s a fan @TheTweetofGod and/or not a fan of the human race is sure to love The Book of Pslams.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Bizzu Inc. All rights reserved. (P)2021 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

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