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Couverture de The Best Bad Things

The Best Bad Things

De : Katrina Carrasco
Lu par : Saskia Maarleveld
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    2019 Shamus Awards - Nominee

    2019 Shamus Awards - Winner

    2019 Lambda Literary Award - Nominee

    "A brazen, brawny, sexy standout of a historical thrill ride, The Best Bad Things is full of unforgettable characters and insatiable appetites. I was riveted. Painstakingly researched and pulsing with adrenaline, Carrasco’s debut will leave you thirsty for more.” (Lyndsay Faye, author of The Gods of Gotham)

    A vivid, sexy barn burner of a historical crime audiobook, The Best Bad Things introduces listeners to the fiery Alma Rosales - detective, smuggler, spy.

    It is 1887, and Alma Rosales is on the hunt for stolen opium. Trained in espionage by the Pinkerton Detective Agency - but dismissed for bad behavior and a penchant for going undercover as a man - Alma now works for Delphine Beaumond, the seductive mastermind of a West Coast smuggling ring.

    When product goes missing at their Washington Territory outpost, Alma is tasked with tracking the thief and recovering the drugs. In disguise as the scrappy dockworker Jack Camp, this should be easy - once she muscles her way into the local organization, wins the trust of the magnetic local boss and his boys, discovers the turncoat, and keeps them all from uncovering her secrets. All this while sending coded dispatches to the circling Pinkerton agents to keep them from closing in.

    Alma’s enjoying her dangerous game of shifting identities and double crosses as she fights for a promotion and an invitation back into Delphine’s bed. But it’s getting harder and harder to keep her cover stories straight and to know whom to trust. One wrong move and she could be unmasked: as a woman, as a traitor, or as a spy.

    A propulsive, sensual tour de force, The Best Bad Things introduces Katrina Carrasco, a bold new voice in crime fiction.

    ©2018 Katrina Carrasco (P)2018 Macmillan Audio

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