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Couverture de Thawing His Hart

Thawing His Hart

De : Zoe Chant, Elva Birch
Lu par : Jay Alder, P.J. Morgan
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    Escape to a resort for shifters only with a cozy holiday mystery that will melt your heart!

    A rare white hart shifter who was imprisoned in a cruel shifter zoo, Robert returns to the rebuilt Shifting Sands Resort to prove that he’s put his demons to rest and his memories of captivity behind him...only to meet a mate who doesn’t recognize him. Is he more broken then he knows?

    Felicity’s first week serving meals at the luxury tropical resort starts out perfectly, but how long can she hide the fact that she isn't really a shifter and avoid being kicked out? Now she's got to keep a gorgeous shifter giving her hot looks and a cold shoulder from getting sunburnt, and on top of that, someone seems to be out to ruin Christmas at the resort. Is it sabotage? Are ghosts or wild magic at work? Is someone trying to frame her? She’s not the only one at the resort who is trying to keep secrets, and her sleuthing might threaten more than just her job.

    Will Felicity’s secrets spoil her chance at happiness? Can Robert trust his hart...or his heart?

    Thawing His Hart is a sizzling Christmas novella full of laughs, love, healing, and hope, set at the beloved Shifting Sands Resort, featuring a damaged hero and a sunshine heroine. It can be listened to completely alone, but is best listened to after the rest of the series, as it has several minor spoilers and brings back many favorite characters.

    ©2023 Elva Birch, Zoe Chant (P)2024 Elva Birch, Zoe Chant

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