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  • Taken for Granted

  • How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed
  • De : Gianno Caldwell
  • Lu par : Gianno Caldwell
  • Durée : 6 h et 37 min

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Taken for Granted

De : Gianno Caldwell
Lu par : Gianno Caldwell
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    A Fox News political analyst tackles some of our communities’ toughest challenges with timely insight from his own life: the story of how conservative values helped a kid from the South Side of Chicago find a life of opportunity.

    "A must-read." (Brian Kilmeade, best-selling author of Sam Houston and the Alamo Avengers)

    Born to a mother consumed by drugs and raised by his grandmother in poverty on the South Side of Chicago, Gianno Caldwell saw firsthand how lawmakers from both parties have failed African-American voters on issues like poverty, welfare, and education. But as someone who beat the odds growing up under a fear-based mentality that limits what people can achieve, Caldwell believes there’s another way.

    In this groundbreaking audiobook, the Fox News analyst describes his personal journey while detailing a hopeful vision for a nation no longer beholden to identity politics and self-limitations. Trapped within the expectations and traditions of our communities, families, political parties, faith, race, and gender, we fail to challenge our politicians and ourselves to create real change. Now more than ever, we need to confront preconceived notions about the Democrats and Republicans, public policy, and American history.

    Looking at the obstacles facing urban communities, such as crime, education, and social mobility, Caldwell digs beneath the statistics. By spotlighting the moments that enabled his rise to success, he proffers steps that can help more people overcome the odds - whether through policy reform or the heroic efforts of men and women who are already working to make a difference in their own communities.

    ©2019 Gianno Caldwell (P)2019 Random House Audio


    "Gianno’s remarkably inspiring story not only provides a pathway to success for anyone forced to overcome the odds in life, it also lays out a road map for any Republican who aspires to win back the trust and loyalty of the African American community. A must read." (Brian Kilmeade, best-selling author of Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans)

    "Gianno Caldwell has written a gripping page-turner that reads more like a script for a movie than a political treatise, but that’s what it is. If you think you’ve read this book before - you haven’t. It’s important, new, fascinating, and fun. We’d live in a better world if there were more books like this." (Ann Coulter, best-selling author of Resistance Is Futile!)

    "Gianno’s story is a must read for all Americans seeking to better their lives. He’s an inspirational figure." (Ben Shapiro, best-selling author of The Right Side of History)

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