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Couverture de Starry, Starry Night

Starry, Starry Night

De : Marcia Willett
Lu par : Emma Powell
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    We'll always be together, won't we?

    Childhood friends and cousins Leo and Alice had imagined their whole lives playing out on their beloved Devon beach. But one night when they are teens, sitting on the sand beneath the stars, Alice tells Leo a secret that must never be shared with anybody else...then packs her bag and flees.

    Leo is left to build his own life - without Alice. He surrounds himself with other family and friends and on the whole is content and fulfilled. But he is left with a sense of what - or who - is missing. So decades later, when he receives a note from Alice asking if she can come home, he doesn't hesitate to agree.

    But as the stars align and their reunion draws near, Leo is left to consider their separation and what so many years apart means for a relationship solidified in youth and a secret which could affect the whole family.

    ©2021 Marcia Willett (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "A warm and engaging read." (Trisha Ashley)

    "A beautifully woven tale of families and their secrets." (Liz Fenwick, best-selling author of The Cornish House)

    "Riveting, moving and utterly feel-good." (Daily Mail)

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