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Couverture de Renovated to Death

Renovated to Death

De : Frank Anthony Polito
Lu par : Frank Anthony Polito
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    After a successful first season of Domestic Partners chronicling the renovation of their historic Craftsman Colonial, Peter and JP are taking on a renovation of a local Tudor Revival inherited by identical twin brothers Terry and Tom Cash. But linoleum floors and a pink-tiled bathroom aren't the only unwelcome surprises awaiting inside the house . . .

    Just as the show is set to start filming, Peter and JP discover Tom Cash dead at the foot of the house's staircase. And when the police ruling changes from accidental death to homicide, the list of suspects grows fast. Could the killer be the crabby next-door-neighbor, the realtor ex-boyfriend, the bartender ex-boyfriend, the other much younger ex-boyfriend, or even renovation-reluctant brother Terry? And what's that awful smell coming from the basement? Now Peter's mystery writer skills and JP's experience as the former star of a cop show will be put to the test—as will their relationship—as they uncover the secrets of the house and its owners. With a killer on the loose, this is one fixer-upper that may prove deadly . . .

    ©2022 Frank Anthony Polito (P)2022 Tantor

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