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Couverture de Probably Nothing

Probably Nothing

De : Lauren Bravo
Lu par : Juliette Burton, Sophie Roberts
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    Bryony doesn't actually mind being single. So she doesn't understand why she keeps seeing (ok, sleeping with) Ed, who is perfectly fine, but also only okay. After developing the ick on their fifth date, she resolves to end things – only to receive a call the next day telling her Ed has died.

    Worse yet, he seems to have represented her to his family and friends as his great love. Obviously, it would be cruel to correct them. Then she's invited to the funeral. It would be equally rude to refuse... right?

    Before she knows it, Bryony has been drawn in by the charisma and chaos of Ed's eccentric family and tangled in a web of her own lies. She's been guilted into signing up to his sister's pyramid scheme, she's in far too deep with several of his nearest and dearest – and to make matters worse she's experiencing a lot of physical symptoms that are becoming harder and harder to ignore…

    Probably Nothing is the answer to just how far sheer awkwardness can take someone. Peppered with Lauren Bravo's irresistible wit, it explores the relatable modern cults of wellness and people-pleasing, and digs into the eternal dilemma: life is short – so should you settle for perfectly fine?

    'Probably Nothing is wildly, ferociously funny, and so brilliantly observed. It’s also beautiful. Bravo’s book explores every complicated facet of modern family life in a way that feels vivid, warm and real. Finally, someone has written a novel that speaks directly to the recovering people pleaser. This is, without doubt, a future classic. I’m going to be buying people copies of this brilliant book for years to come.' Daisy Buchanan
    ©2024 Lauren Bravo (P)2024 Simon & Schuster, UK


    'Gorgeous, generous, silly, tender, thoughtful, and just brutal enough to be genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, I truly loved this novel about guilt and grief and wanting what you haven’t got' (Ella Risbridger)
    ‘Witty, sweet... a novel over my own heart’ (Marian Keyes)
    'A book so genuinely hilarious, so deeply human, so cleverly observed, and so recognisable that I feel like I'm one of Bryony's friends who she sees for dinner a couple of times a year, sitting across a table from her going "oh pal, you didn't..."' (Kate Young)
    'Probably Nothing is clever, funny, and has real depth and heart on family, friendships, and falling apart. Lauren’s books are like a Robyn happy-sad floor filler. Bangers that will lift you and devastate you in a heartbeat. I can’t think of a higher compliment.' (Justin Myers)
    'So funny. And, so much fun.' (Nikki May)

    'Probably Nothing hums with heart, humour, and insight. Filled with smart, addictive prose and scarily relatable observations, nobody writes life quite like Lauren Bravo. An absolute banger!' (Julietta Henderson)

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