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Couverture de Once More We Saw Stars

Once More We Saw Stars

De : Jayson Greene
Lu par : Jayson Greene
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    “A gripping and beautiful book about the power of love in the face of unimaginable loss.” (Cheryl Strayed)

    For fans of The Bright Hour and When Breath Becomes Air, a moving, transcendent memoir of loss and a stunning exploration of marriage in the wake of unimaginable grief.

    As the story opens: Two-year-old Greta Greene is sitting with her grandmother on a park bench on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. A brick crumbles from a windowsill overhead, striking her unconscious, and she is immediately rushed to the hospital. But although it begins with this event and with the anguish Jayson and his wife, Stacy, confront in the wake of their daughter's trauma and the hours leading up to her death, Once More We Saw Stars quickly becomes a narrative that is as much about hope and healing as it is about grief and loss. Jayson recognizes, even in the midst of his ordeal, that there will be a life for him beyond it - that if only he can continue moving forward, from one moment to the next, he will survive what seems unsurvivable.

    With raw honesty, deep emotion, and exquisite tenderness, he captures both the fragility of life and absoluteness of death, and most important of all, the unconquerable power of love. This is an unforgettable memoir of courage and transformation - and an audiobook that will change the way you look at the world.

    ©2019 Jayson Greene (P)2019 Random House Audio


    “Beautiful…heartbreaking…an answer to the question: How does one survive such a devastating tragedy…a story not just of loss, but of remarkable love…life-affirming…luminous.” (Washington Post)

    "His a revelation of lightness and agility.... A miracle.... A narrative of grief and acceptance that is compulsively readable and never self-indulgent." (The New York Times)

    “In Once More We Saw Stars, Jayson Greene crystallizes the bravery required for parenting, the insanity within grief, the struggle and haven of marriage, the durability of love in all its forms. This is a book about how we make sense of suffering and what it means to be a family. It’s funny, lucid, and deeply generous - proof that a masterful writer can make from his own specifics a universal story with lessons for us all.” (Lucy Kalanithi)

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