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Couverture de Murder by the Book

Murder by the Book

De : Gina LaManna
Lu par : Brenda Scott Wlazlo
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    Hello, world. My name is Lucy Little, and I'm an author.

    Actually, my mom thinks I'm a homeless bum with no health insurance, and my dad truly believes I'm as famous as Brad Pitt. He frequently asks me to sign napkins that he passes out like currency at the local police station where he likes to steal doughnuts. He's a former cop. That probably makes his theft acceptable.

    There's only one problem with this whole "author career" of mine, and it's that I'm not actually making all that much money from it. I like to say I have a burgeoning career; I am making a living, but it's a pretty dismal living. But that's all about to change. I've got a new game plan, a pen that's mightier than a sword—but not literally because I'm terrified of violence—and a bunch of words to put down on paper.

    Unfortunately, my plan gets thrown out the window the day I stumble upon a real live dead body. The next thing I know, I'm wrapped up neck deep in a murder investigation with the superhot cop who is also my ex-boyfriend. It's all fun and games until the killer starts coming for me, and then I start wondering how I can write the end when I might be next?

    ©2021 Gina LaManna (P)2022 Tantor

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