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Couverture de Minor Notes, Volume 2

Minor Notes, Volume 2

De : Joshua Bennett - editor introduction, Jesse McCarthy - editor introduction
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    The second volume in an anthology series that amplifies the voices of unsung Black poets to paint a more robust picture of our national past, and of the Black literary imagination

    A Penguin Classic

    Joshua Bennett and Jesse McCarthy repeatedly found themselves struck by the number of exciting poets they came across in long-out-of-print collections and forgotten journals whose work has been neglected or entirely ignored, even by scholars of Black poetry. Minor Notes is an excavation initiative that recovers and curates archival materials from these understudied, though supremely gifted, African American poets of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and aims to bridge scholarly interest with the growing general audience who reads, writes, and circulates poetry within that tradition. As Minor Notes clarifies, the work of contemporary Black poets is perhaps best understood through the lens of a long-standing tradition of the poet as witness, as prophetic voice, as communal bard, and as scholar of the everyday and the miraculous.

    The central theme of volume 2 is an archival exploration of young people's poetry within the Black expressive tradition.

    ©2024 Joshua Bennett and Jesse McCarthy (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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