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Couverture de Labyrinth of Stars

Labyrinth of Stars

De : Iris Beaglehole
Lu par : Natalie Beran
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    "A sound broke through the usual calm—the same cracking sound I had heard while I was awake!"

    The fragments Awa Bryant trapped just after she learned she was a long-awaited Dreamweaver are terrifyingly close to breaking free—so close that even in the waking world she can hear their efforts to crack their giant glass prison.

    Veila the Dreamcharmer is training her to use her powers, but Awa's impatient, distracted, and still struggling with anxiety in her waking life. Yet, the threat grows stronger.

    She learns from Veila and the Priestess Tree that she must find the mysterious Dreamrealm labyrinth in order to master her powers and learn to alchemize the fragments before they can do more harm.

    Even with the training and the guidance she's received, can she succeed in her quest and defeat them before the marvelous Dreamrealm is destroyed?

    ©2024 Iris Beaglehole (P)2024 Podium Audio

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