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Couverture de Into the Starlight

Into the Starlight

De : Amanda Cabot
Lu par : Jeanine Bartel
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    Neither of their lives has turned out the way they planned—and they certainly never planned on each other.

    After more than a year in Europe, Joanna Vaughn returns to Sweetwater Crossing, her dreams of becoming a concert pianist shattered. As if that wasn’t enough, her husband, whom she married after a whirlwind courtship, has died. The only thing sustaining her on the journey back to Texas is the thought of her childhood home.

    But to Joanna’s dismay, the place she once loved no longer feels like home.

    When personal and professional crises throw his entire future into question, Dr. Burke Finley believes it’s time for a change. A quick trip to Sweetwater Crossing with his almost-aunt Della Samuels turns into an extended stay to discover what happened to his uncle, Della’s would-be husband. But the beautiful and musical Joanna makes it more than bearable.

    As the two join forces to help Della, there is no denying the attraction felt on both sides. But ghosts from the past are coming to call—and threatening to destroy any chance at happily-ever-after.

    ©2024 Amanda Cabot (P)2024 Recorded Books

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