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  • If Not for the Knight

  • Forbidden Love Against All Odds in This Medieval Romance (Knights Are Forever, Book 1)
  • De : Debbie Boek
  • Lu par : Millie Jones
  • Durée : 9 h et 4 min

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If Not for the Knight

De : Debbie Boek
Lu par : Millie Jones
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    In 1066, the Normans brutally defeated the Saxons and William the Conqueror was crowned the King of England. 

    Even though their country now belonged to William, the Saxons continued to rebel against his rule. But they were no match for the seasoned Norman knights who ruthlessly put down the rebellions. 

    Against his wishes, Calder Wyndym, one of the king’s most valued knights, becomes Overlord of a small village in the North. He is tasked to build a castle to protect the King’s lands and to find a way for everyone under his protection to learn to live together peacefully. 

    Calder endeavors to follow his King’s decree, but in the process of doing so, he gives his heart to a lovely, young Saxon woman. Their relationship causes an even deeper rift between the Normans and Saxons. 

    Will the strength of their love be able to overcome the hatred and prejudice? Or will the deceit, disrespect and betrayals from both sides tear the lovers apart? 

    ©2004, 2017 Debra Boek (P)2021 Debra Boek

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