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  • I Don't Belong to You

  • Quiet the Noise and Find Your Voice
  • De : Keke Palmer
  • Lu par : Keke Palmer
  • Durée : 9 h et 7 min

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I Don't Belong to You

De : Keke Palmer
Lu par : Keke Palmer
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    A sometimes serious, often hilarious, and always inspiring guide that encourages young women to live a life full of ownership, confidence, and freedom, written and read by singer and popular Scream Queens and Grease Live! actress Keke Palmer.

    As a successful music artist, actress, and talk show host from inner city Chicago, Keke has always used her social media following and platform for real talk about the issues that matter most to her generation, but now she is speaking out candidly and for the first time about the secrets, struggles, and practices that have guided her to succeed. On the surface it may appear that Keke has it made, but under the success she has grappled with the same issues all young women wrestle with - identity, pressure, self-worth, love, sexuality, heartbreak, and family.

    With this in mind, she created I Don't Belong to You — an inspirational guide that encourages young people to change their mind-set and live with more freedom, confidence, and love as they navigate the rough terrain of the 21st century. Full of revealing stories from Keke's personal and professional lives, this book tackles twelve topics - sexuality, race, anxiety, success, bullying, and body image, to name a few - with refreshing honesty.

    Within each chapter are quotes, texts, and song lyrics that have inspired her and practices that can help you stay on a path of always growing, never grown. With a voice of empathy, tough love, and determination, Keke speaks about the challenges and triumphs she has experienced on her journey to finding her own voice and creating a beautiful life. I Don't Belong to You is the motivation you need to move past pain and fear to lead a life full of creativity, spirituality, passion, and unlimited success.

    ©2017 Keke Palmer (P)2017 Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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